I tell her the story, from the point I showed up on his doorstep up until now.
“Um, Kenzie?” she says when I’m done.
“You’re falling for this guy.”
“No, he’s my roommate. And we’re friends. That’s it.”
“Did you hear yourself talking about him? The last time you were that excited about a guy was when you met Liam. And honestly, you sounded more excited about this new guy. What’s his name? Jace?”
“Yeah, but you’re wrong about my feelings for him. In fact, we’re both looking for people to date. Other people. Not each other.”
“Don’t you think it’s too soon for that?”
“I’m not going to rush into another relationship, but I do want to go on some dates. Liam’s the only boyfriend I’ve ever had. He’s all I know. I need to get out there and date other guys.”
“It’s probably a good idea. It’s the only way to find out what you really want.”
“So are you starting tonight? Are you going out later?”
“No, I decided to stay home. But Jace went out. He invited me to go to a party, but I told him to go without me.”
“What if he brings someone home?”
I tense up at the thought of that. I don’t want to see him with some other girl. But I need to get over that, and I will once I find someone myself.
“If he brings someone home, I’ll just stay in my room.”
“Kenzie, that’s not what I meant. You like this guy. If he brings a girl home, you’re going to feel hurt, which is the last thing you need right now.”
“I’m not going to be hurt if he finds a girl. I admit I kinda like him, but it’s only because he’s super hot and really nice and we have stuff in common. And he’s the only person I know here. Once I make some friends and start dating, I doubt I’ll even see Jace other than passing him on my way out the door.”
“Just be careful, okay? I don’t want you getting hurt again. And I definitely don’t want you being homeless. It sounds like you found a good place to live. You don’t want to mess that up.”
“You don’t have to worry. I won’t let anything happen.”
“Whoever this guy is, I’m glad you found him. He’s managed to make you feel better after a really horrible break-up. I’m not sure even I could make you feel better this fast.”
“He’s been great, and the fact that we’re going through this together has really helped. But I do wish you were here. I miss having you around.”
“I miss you too. Hey, how’s your mom? Have you talked to her?”
“I can’t. She’s on a safari and the phones don’t work. Even when she’s in a city, her phone doesn’t always work.”
“So she doesn’t know about the break-up.”
“No, and I’m not going to tell her. I will eventually, but not now. I don’t want her to worry. I want to make some friends and go on some dates before I tell her so she’ll see I’m moving on and okay without Liam.”
“You are, you know. You don’t need him. You’re going to be fine on your own. Better than fine. You’re going to be so much better without him.”
“I know. I keep telling myself that. I think it’s starting to sink in.”
“I hate to cut this short, but I have some meeting notes to write up before I go to bed. My boss wants to go over them in the morning.”
“Tomorrow’s Sunday.”