“I found him with someone. Another girl.”
“Wait—are you saying Liam cheated on you?”
“Yeah, and I caught him doing it.”
“You don’t mean you saw them—”
“Yeah, they were going at it when I walked in. I don’t want to get into the details, but let’s just say it’s an image I’ll never get out of my head.”
“Oh my God, that’s awful! Kenzie, I’m so sorry. What an ass! How could he do that to you? Did he say anything when you caught him?”
“He did the whole ‘she doesn’t mean anything’ crap that guys do, but I knew it was a lie. And I knew it’d been going on for a while.”
“How could you tell?”
“Because he wasn’t wearing a condom. He wouldn’t do that with a girl he just met. We dated six months before he’d do it without a condom.”
“Do you know how long he’d been dating her?”
“Six months. The bitch came up to me and told me. She didn’t even try to spare my feelings. It’s like she wanted me to feel even worse. And then Liam tried to blame it on me for living at home the past two years. He said being apart was too hard on him and he had to find someone else. Someone in town.”
“That bastard!”
“I know. And then today I ran into him and his girlfriend and they both tried to explain everything again.”
“What’s there to explain? Liam cheated. End of story.”
“I think they just wanted to make themselves feel better about the whole thing. Like they did nothing wrong. The girl—her name’s Kat—told me how she didn’t mean to fall in love. It just happened. And then Liam said how hard it was for him to be surrounded by girls and not be able to date them.”
“Oh, please. Like you didn’t have opportunities?”
“I told him that and he acted like he didn’t believe me. Like there’s no way other guys would ask me out.”
“Are you kidding me? Does he not see how gorgeous you are? You should’ve told him about all the guys who tried to go out with you. All the flowers you got. The guy who brought you dinner that night. The one who gave you balloons on your birthday.”
“I didn’t want to get into it. It doesn’t matter. Even if I told him all that, he wouldn’t care. It’s over between us. He has someone else now.”
“I’m surprised you’re taking this so well. You’re not even crying. Or are you all cried out by now?”
“I haven’t really cried that much. I did right after it happened, but then I went out and played laser tag and didn’t think about it.”
“You played laser tag? Okay, I’m confused. You find Liam cheating, then go to a laser tag place? You’ve never even played laser tag, have you?”
“No, but it’s really fun. We should go sometime, not that I’ll ever see you now that you’re constantly working.”
“Back up. Explain how you ended up playing laser tag.”
“I went with Jace, my new roommate. He’s really nice. And get this—he had the same thing happen to him. On the same day!”
“What do you mean?”
“He found his girlfriend cheating on him with his roommate, or ex-roommate now.”
“That’s a strange coincidence.”
“I know, but it turned out to be a good thing. Not that his girlfriend cheated, but that he knows what I’m going through.”
“How’d you meet this guy?”