“It didn’t look good before I hit him either.”
She laughs again. “Yeah, I see that now. It’s hard to believe I used to think he was cute.”
“I guess love really is blind.”
The waiter shows up and leaves a basket of chips at our table. “Another margarita?” he asks Kenzie.
She looks at her nearly empty glass. “Maybe one more. I’ll have the pineapple one this time.”
He nods and walks away.
“You’re stopping at two?” I ask. “You have to try more than that.”
“Two is enough. I can’t try them all tonight. I have to save some to try so we have a reason to come back.”
“We don’t need a reason. We can come here anytime. I should also take you to the sports bar down the street. Monday is five dollar burger night. The place is packed with college students. It’s a good place to meet people. If you’re looking for a date, that’s the place to go.”
I don’t want her going out with some other guy, but it’s what she needs to do to move on. She needs to know there are better guys out there than her ex.
I need to find someone too. Because dating my new roommate is not an option.
Jace’s phone rings as we’re waiting for the check.
“I gotta get this,” he says, holding his phone up.
“Go ahead,” I tell him, finishing off my margarita. I had two, along with a huge enchilada and a basket of chips. The food was great and I love the atmosphere. I can’t believe Liam never took me here. He knows how much I love Mexican food. It just shows how selfish he was, always making us do what he wanted and not even considering me.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” Jace says. “But I may not stay long. I’m really tired and I have to work tomorrow.” He gets his wallet out. “Yeah, bye.”
The waiter drops off the check. Jace glances at it then sets out some cash.
“That’s too much,” I tell him. “Your part was only twenty dollars.”
“It’s on me tonight. It’s your welcome-to-town dinner.”
“I can’t let you pay. It’s not right.”
“Why isn’t it right?”
“Well, for one, you’re my landlord.”
“My uncle’s your landlord. I’m your roommate.”
“But you’re in charge of the house while your uncle’s away, which makes you like a landlord.”
“I’m more like a property manager. I take care of stuff when it needs to be fixed and I make sure the tenants don’t get too out of control.”
I smile. “Have I been out of control?”
“Not yet, but it’s only been a day.”
“I don’t think you have to worry. I’m very quiet and I keep my room clean.”
“That’s more than I can say for my last roommate. Carter was a total pig. He’d leave rotting food in his room. I could smell it in the hall.”