“He didn’t act like it. That day he came up to me, it was clear he wanted to ask me out. And then he did.”

I want to slap her for being so casual about this. Like it was no big deal that my boyfriend was coming onto her while still in a relationship with me. Does she not get that it was wrong?

“We went out a few times and it was great.” She moves with me as the line inches forward. “And then I saw one of your texts pop up on his phone.”

“So then what? You confronted him?”

She nods. “He tried to tell me you were an ex, but I didn’t believe him. He finally admitted you two were still together, but he promised me he was going to end things. He said you two had grown apart and it wasn’t working anymore.”

I roll my eyes. “And you believed him?”

“Well, yeah. I mean, by then I was falling for him. Falling in love. We both were.”

“Okay, stop. I don’t want to hear how much you love my boyfriend. And I don’t know why the hell you thought it was appropriate to come up to me like this.”

“I was trying to explain. I didn’t do this to hurt you. I know it may not seem like it but—”

“Seriously, what is wrong with you? Just yesterday I caught you having sex with my boyfriend, and now you want to be friends? Are you kidding me?” I clench my phone in my hand. I’m so angry I could punch her but instead I just imagine myself doing it.

“I never said we had to be friends. I just thought it might help if you knew where Liam was coming from. It wasn’t that he didn’t care about you. He’d just outgrown the relationship. And it was hard on him to keep doing the long distance thing.”

“You don’t think it was hard on me? Yet somehow I was able to remain faithful.” I point to the door. “Leave. Get out of here.”

She shrugs. “Whatever. Liam said you’d react this way. I was just trying to be nice.” She turns and walks out the door, giving me a view of her flat ass. I can’t believe Liam would be attracted to someone like her after being with me all those years. The two of us look nothing alike.

When I’m done in the bathroom, I make my way back over to Jace. He’s lying on the lounger with his shirt off. I love his body. All those muscles. Those abs. I just want to stare at him, but instead I adjust the towel on my lounger and lay next to him.

“Where’s Andrea?” he asks.

“She met up with a friend of hers.”

He turns to face me. “Meet anyone on your walk?”

“No. But I met someone in the bathroom.”

“The bathroom?” He takes his sunglasses off. “What happened?” He says it like he knows it’s something bad. How does he read me so well?

“The girl I caught Liam with yesterday. She was in the bathroom.”

“And you talked to her?”

“I didn’t want to. She came up to me and tried to explain why she did it. Like it wasn’t her fault. Or Liam’s. She said it just happened. They fell in love and—” I choke up and then clear my throat, trying to pretend I’m fine. But I’m not. Hearing her say she loved Liam really hurt. Part of me was hoping it was just a fling. Just sex and nothing more. It wouldn’t make me take him back, but I’d feel better knowing he didn’t love her.

Jace sits up, his eyes searching around the pool. “Where is this girl? What’s she look like?”

“Why? What are you going to do?”

“Tell her to leave you alone. Who the hell does that? It’s bad enough she’s with your ex, but then to rub it in your face like that? What the hell?”

He stands up.

“Jace, don’t.” I grab his hand and pull on him to sit down.

“I don’t want her doing it again.”

“She won’t. And if she tries, I’ll just walk away.”

He sighs as he sits down. “You should’ve punched her.”