“We could keep walking, or we could stay here. But we’d only stay here if we had a reason to.”

“Am I reason enough?”

She looks him up and down. He’s okay-looking, if you like guys with really blond hair and a spray tan. His skin is too orange for that tan to be natural.

“Nice meeting you,” Andrea says to the guy, then she turns and walks off.

I follow her, not wanting to be stuck with the guy.

“Hey, wait!” I hear him say, but we’re deep in the crowd, and when I look back, I can’t even find him.

“You didn’t like that guy, right?” she asks.

“No. He had a spray tan.”

“I know.” She laughs. “Some guys try way too hard.”

“Andrea!” a girl yells.

Andrea lifts up on her toes to see who it is. She waves her hand. “I’m coming!”

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“Lana. She used to date Brent. I set the two of them up, which I never should’ve done. Brent broke her heart. He dated her for a month, then dumped her. Said it was getting too serious. He’s such an idiot. Luckily, Lana didn’t hold it against me. I have to get over there. You okay on your own?”

“Um, yeah. I’ll just go back to my chair and lay out for a while.”

“You’re not gonna get any guys if you’re sitting by Jace. You might want to find a new spot to lay out.”

“Maybe. Hey, I need a bathroom. Where is it?”

“By the entrance gate.” She points to it. “Sorry I have to run off like this. I’ll come find you later and we’ll do another lap around, unless you’ve found someone by then, which you probably will. Guys have been checking you out this whole time. One of them will eventually get the courage to come up to you.” She smiles. “Choose wisely.”

She takes off and I go find the bathroom. It’s crowded and I have to wait in line.

“Kenzie, right?” a girl says, turning back from the mirror where she was putting on mascara.

She looks familiar, but I’m not sure why. She walks over to me, and when I see her face, I get why she looks familiar. I’ve seen her before. Just yesterday, in fact. When she was backed against the wall. Having sex with my boyfriend!

What the hell? Why is she coming over here? To gloat over stealing my boyfriend?

Ignoring her, I turn away and get out my phone, pretending to check messages.

“Kenzie, I know it’s you.” She stops in front of me. “I just wanted to say that Liam and I didn’t plan this. It just happened.”

“Are you seriously trying to justify what you did?” I glare at her. “Get away from me. I don’t want to talk to you.”

“I’m not a bad person. I didn’t even know he had a girlfriend until after we’d been out a few times.”

So Liam pretended to be single. He was looking for someone else. Someone to take my place when I wasn’t there. No wonder he never wanted me to visit him. He always insisted on coming home, which I thought was sweet. I thought he was being considerate, saving me from having to drive all that way. But it was really all about him and his need to keep me a secret.

I stare back at the girl. She’s not that pretty. She’s just average looking, with reddish-blond hair and green eyes. She’s really thin with a flat chest, the opposite of me with my curvy hips and large breasts. Maybe Liam didn’t like that about me, although he always used to tell me he loved my curves.

“Why’d you do it?” I ask, despite my mind telling me to just ignore her or walk away.

“Why’d I date Liam?” She shrugs. “He was nice. He came over to me in the dining hall and we started talking and just clicked.”

“You never considered he might have a girlfriend?”