“You seem to get along okay.”

“Because we’re friends. We didn’t work as a couple.”

“Are you still attracted to him?”

“No. I mean, maybe a little but only because he’s hot. Any girl would be attracted to him. Weren’t you?”

“Um, I guess.”

“You don’t think he’s hot?” She’s walking fast again and I rush to catch up.

“He’s definitely hot, but I don’t want to date him.”

She stops and turns to me. “Why not? What’s wrong with him?”

“Nothing. He seems great. He’s just a little too tall for me. He’s gotta be like what… six-eight?”

“Six-seven,” she says.

She seems really upset that I don’t want to go out with Troy, and yet I get the feeling if I actually did go out with him, she’d be mad. I think she still likes him. But if that’s true, then why won’t she date him?

Troy’s a hot guy, but not my type. It isn’t just his height but also the tattoos that line both his arms and part of his back. I don’t mind a few tats, but Troy has too many for me. And he has this patch of hair on his chin that I’ve seen on other guys, so it’s obviously a thing, but I don’t find it attractive.

“You don’t like tall guys?” she asks.

“I do, but six-seven is really tall.”

She turns to me. “But you like Jace. He’s six-five.”

“I don’t like Jace,” I say in a defensive tone.

“Really?” She smiles. “So the heat I felt when you two were next to each other was just the sun beating down?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I turn and continue walking, going as fast as Andrea was after she stormed away from Troy.

“He likes you,” she says, catching up to me. “He couldn’t take his eyes off you, even with all these other girls around. And when he saw you in this bikini?” She laughs. “His eyes practically fell out of his head. I’ve never seen him look at a girl like that. Even Nikki, but they dated forever so he was used to seeing her body. But still, I think he likes yours better.”

“I think you’re reading him wrong. It’s not like that with us. We’re just roommates.”

“Which is why you don’t want to date him. I get it. If it didn’t work out you’d have nowhere to live. It’s nearly impossible to find housing around here during the school year. That’s why I’m stuck in the dorms. I hate living there, but it’s the only option.”

“How about him?” I say, directing my eyes to the first guy I see so she’ll stop talking about Jace.

“The guy in the thong?” She crinkles her nose. “You’d seriously go out with him?”

Oh. He is wearing a thong. I didn’t even notice that until she said it. Other than that, he’s okay. Dark hair, dark tan, and a decent body.

As I’m staring at him, a guy walks up to him and kisses him.

Andrea laughs. “Your dream man appears to be taken.” She wraps her arm around mine and pulls on me to keep walking. “Poor thing. First guy you’re interested in and he’s gay.”

I sigh. “Maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Hey, it was one guy. So he turned out to be gay. Big deal. It’s your first time back in the dating world. You’re out of practice. You probably haven’t even looked at other guys in years. Just remember, you don’t want to make the first move.” She stands up straighter and pushes her chest out. “Walk with confidence, smile, and let the guys come to you.”

I do as she says, but I still feel awkward. I don’t even know if guys are noticing me. It’s really crowded and we have to maneuver around people as we walk. I get why Jace called it a party. It’s like one giant college party but without the alcohol, although I’m pretty sure people snuck some in. I can smell it on them as they walk past me.

Andrea stops abruptly and grabs my arm. “There’s Tad!”