“Tanya, that blonde you met in freshmen English. Katrina, the football cheerleader. And some girl I’ve never met. I think her name was Steph, but I’m not sure. I was drunk when she introduced herself so my memory isn’t great.”

“And what exactly did they say?”

“They asked if you were at the party.”

“That’s it? That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Believe me, they wanted you. If you saw them when they asked, you’d know. They had that look. The look girls get when they want sex.”

I laugh. “You’re just making shit up. Asking if I was there doesn’t mean they wanted to have sex with me. And even if they did, I’m not ready for that.”

“Are you kidding me? Sex is exactly what you need right now. It’s the fastest way to get over your ex.”

“Maybe, but not yet. Nikki and I just broke up.”

“Speaking of that, you sound pretty good. I thought you’d be drunk when I called, or at least hungover.”

“I would’ve been but…” I stop before telling him about Kenzie. I don’t want him thinking there’s anything going on between her and me.

“But what? You didn’t get back together with her, did you?” He huffs. “It’d be just like that bitch to show up at your house in the middle of the night and—”

“She didn’t show up. I had some whiskey, but I didn’t get drunk. I watched TV and fell asleep on the couch. ”

I hear some guys yelling in the background. Troy lives in an apartment with three guys from the team. One of them was injured, like me, and can’t play anymore.

“What time’s he showing up?” I hear someone yell. It sounds like Brent, a senior and the tallest guy on the team. He’s just under seven feet.

“He says he’s not coming,” Troy yells back.

“What the fuck?” I hear Brent say, then I hear him take Troy’s phone. “You’re gonna be there even if it means we have to drag your ass out of bed and throw you in the back of the truck. We’re not letting some girl fuck up tradition.”

“This isn’t about Nikki. And going to the pool two years in a row doesn’t exactly make it a tradition. It’s not that big a deal if I don’t go. You guys will be too focused on girls to even notice if I’m there.”

“If this isn’t about Nikki, then why wouldn’t you go? Are you working today?”

“I have the day off, but I have plans with a friend.”

“What friend?”

“Kenzie. My new roommate. She wants to see the gym so I told her I’d give her a tour.”

“You’re missing pool day to hang out with your roommate?” He pauses, then says, “I get it. You want her.”

“Want who?”

“This girl. Your roommate. She’s hot and you want to have sex with her so you’re doing the friend thing to show her your kind, sensitive side so she’ll do it with you.”

“That’s not what I’m doing. I mean, yes, I’m being a friend but not so I can sleep with her.”

“Yeah, whatever.”

“Believe what you want, but I really am just trying to be her friend. She’s having a rough time right now. She found her boyfriend cheating yesterday. She was supposed to move in with him. That’s how she ended up here. She needed a place to stay.”

“So she’s on the rebound. This is the perfect time to make your move. She’s vulnerable, and pissed at her ex. The two things that make a girl want sex with a guy without any strings attached.”

“I’m not sleeping with her. She needs time to get over her ex, just like I need time to get over Nikki.”

“You don’t need time. You need sex.”