“I put it over you. I didn’t want you to get cold.”

“And the pillow?”

“I gave you that too. I didn’t want your neck to hurt.”

I get up from the couch. “Thanks for doing that, but you could’ve just woke me up. I could’ve gone to my room.”

“I wanted you to get some sleep. I wasn’t sure if you’d sleep if you went back in your room.”

It’s true. When I was in there before, I couldn’t sleep. All I did was stare at the ceiling and think of Liam, and when I closed my eyes, I kept seeing him with that girl. Being out here with Jace, I didn’t think about Liam and was actually able to sleep.

“On second thought,” I say, “would you mind if we stayed out here?”

“You too?” He glances at me. “I can’t sleep in my room either. There’s something about being in there that just…” His voice trails off.

“Trust me, I get it. I feel the same way.” I take my place back on the couch. “But you can’t sleep like you were before. Sitting up like that? It’ll hurt your neck.”

“I don’t really have a choice unless I sleep on the chair, but I’ve tried that and it’s even worse. Threw my back out on that thing.”

The chair is barely big enough for me, so it’s definitely not big enough for someone Jace’s size.

I motion to the other end of the couch. “Put your head there and lay down.”

“I don’t think it’ll work. I’m six five. My feet will be at your head.”

“Not if you bend your legs. Just try it.”

He does, and even in a curled up position, his feet are in my face.

“I’ll just go to my room,” he says, getting up. “You stay out here.”

“I can’t sleep if I’m alone,” I say as he walks away.

He turns back. “I thought being in the bedroom was why you couldn’t sleep.”

“That’s part of it, but also being alone. When I’m alone, I can’t stop thinking about what happened.”

“So what are you saying?”

I sit up. “Would you mind staying out here with me? You said yourself you can’t sleep in your bedroom so you shouldn’t go back there.”

“But where am I going to sleep? There’s no room.”

“Come here.” I motion him to the couch as I scoot as far back as I can.

“I can’t fit there,” he says, assessing the small space.

“Just try it. If it doesn’t work, we’ll try something else.”

He lays down on his back. His large body takes up so much of the couch that I have to lay on my side, the front of my body pressed against the side of his. But oddly enough, it doesn’t feel awkward, In fact, it’s really comfortable having the soft couch at my back and Jace’s warm body in front of me.

Jace is lying there, not saying anything.

“You’re too cramped, aren’t you?” I say. “I guess it won’t work. At least we tried.” I start to get up, but he stops me.

“Don’t go. We’re good. I just need to move my arm.” He has it wedged against him so tight it can’t move so I sit up enough for him to free it. “Okay, lay down.”

I rest my head on his chest and his arm goes around me. It’s perfect. Comfy and warm and perfect. It’s probably not appropriate for roommates to be doing this, but right now I don’t care. I just need sleep. And it’s not like we’re making out or touching in places we shouldn’t be touching.