“If you’re serious, I’ll take you up on that. I could really use a night off.”
“Then take it off. It’s really slow here tonight. Everyone’s partying before classes begin. You’d just be sitting here bored. You could take tomorrow off too, if you want. I’m guessing it’ll be even slower. Saturday night’s are already slow but the Saturday before classes begin is one of the slowest of the year.”
“Sounds good. I’ll just plan on being there for my shift on Sunday.”
“Okay, but will you do something for me?”
“Don’t hide in your room, sulking. Get out and do something with your friends. There’ll be other girls. I know you probably don’t want to hear that now, but trust me, you’ll find someone better.”
“Thanks, man. Talk to you, Sunday.”
“Yeah, see you then.”
Kent is speaking from experience. His wife cheated on him a couple years ago. When I first started working at the gym, he was newly divorced and so depressed he barely spoke to anyone. Then the gym hired Lacey, a personal trainer, and he started working with her to get himself back in shape. After their first session, he was like a new man. Smiling and cracking jokes, and he had all this energy. We all knew it was because of Lacey. They started dating and now they’re married, expecting their first kid around Christmas.
“Are you leaving?” Kenzie asks, getting up from the table. “I can clean up.”
“I took the night off.” I gather our plates and take them to the sink. “Tomorrow too. My boss said it’s really slow. He doesn’t need the help.”
“Where do you work?”
“At the gym on campus. The place is usually packed but the weekend before classes start, it’s empty.”
“What do you do there?”
“I work the front desk, checking IDs, answering questions. That’s why I meet so many people. They have to go to me first before heading into the gym.”
“I’ll have to go check it out.”
“Do you like working out?”
“Depends on the workout. My mom and I used to take cardio classes at this place near my house, or sometimes we’d go to a yoga class.”
“They have classes at the campus gym. And if you’re interested in weights, they have a really good weight room.”
“I’ve never tried lifting weights.”
“If you want, I can help you get started. I studied to be a personal trainer. I just haven’t taken the test.”
“You want to be a personal trainer?”
“Probably not. It doesn’t pay enough. I’m studying sports management. I want to be a sports agent.”
“Aren’t they usually lawyers?”
“Yeah, but it’s not required.”
“That’s interesting. I didn’t know that was a degree, but I don’t know much about sports.”
“I love sports, especially basketball, but I have a hard time watching it now that I can’t play.”
“You can’t ever play again?“
“Not with my shoulder injury. It’s too risky. I could do permanent damage if I try to play again.”
“What about other sports? Are they off limits too?”