“Why not? You didn’t feel like drinking?”

“I did, but I didn’t think it was a good idea to get drunk.”

She doesn’t ask me to explain. She just nods. We both know what could happen if we drank too much. At least one of us needs to stay sober tonight to make sure nothing happens.

“I think I’m done with guys.” Kenzie sets her fork down and leans back in her chair.

“Like forever?“

“Not forever but at least for awhile.”

“Some people say the best way to get over someone is to find someone else.”

“Do you agree with that?”

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.”

She looks off in the distance, twirling her hair and seeming lost in her thoughts.

“I think I’ll start dating again.”

Her eyes dart to mine. “Really? Like right away?”

“Maybe. Nikki’s already moved on so why shouldn’t I?”

“Because you’re hurting.”

“Well, yeah, there’s that, but maybe I should test this theory about dating other people. Maybe it’d help me forget about her. But no relationships. Those are banned until I’m ready.”

“So you’re just going to use girls to get over Nikki?”

“I won’t be using them. I’ll be dating them. I’m so used to Nikki and how she treated me that I don’t know any different. I want to see what it’d be like to date someone else. Someone completely different than her.”

“What if you date someone who wants to be in a relationship?”

“I’ll tell her upfront that I’m not looking for anything serious. If that’s not what she wants, she can find someone else.”

“That’s kinda harsh, isn’t it?”

“Not everyone’s looking for a relationship, especially at our age. College is the time to date different people so you can see what you really want in a partner.”

“I thought I already knew,” she says, her happy mood turning sad. “I thought Liam was the one I’d be with forever.”

“I thought the same about Nikki, but I was wrong. Now I’m starting to question my judgment, which is why I can’t get in a relationship right now.”

“Still, don’t you want to take some time before you start dating again?”

“Maybe. I’ll see what happens. I’m not going to go out of my way to find someone, but if an opportunity comes up, I’ll take it.”

“Do girls ever ask you out?”

“They have in the past, but I’d tell them I had a girlfriend. I meet a lot of people at work so—“ I pop up from my chair. “Shit, what time is it?”

“Seven. Why?”

“I’m supposed to be at work. I totally forgot.” I grab my phone and call Kent, my boss. “Kent, I totally spaced on work tonight. I’m really sorry.”

“I was just about to call you. I talked to Dax a few minutes ago and he told me what happened. If you can’t make it tonight, don’t worry about it. I understand.”