Page 108 of Accidental Roommates

“Is it? Guess I didn’t notice.”

Dan chuckles. “You can barely see out here. And it’s freaking cold.”

“The cold doesn’t bother me.” I turn and shoot the ball, landing it in the basket.

“Um, Jace?” I hear Kenzie say.


“Do you mind maybe going inside so I can say goodbye to Dan? Or Dan and I could go inside if you’re staying here.”

Why is she trying to get rid of me? So they can kiss? They’ll kiss longer if they go inside where it’s warm. Being out here in the cold means less time for kissing.

“I’ll go,” I tell them. “I didn’t realize it was so late.” I give Dan a wave. “See ya.”

“Yeah. Maybe we could play ball sometime.”


That’s not going to happen. Dan’s a decent guy. I’ve hung out with him before and even considered him a friend. But now that he’s dating Kenzie? I can’t be friends with him. I don’t even want to see him. Just being around him pisses me off, especially when Kenzie’s by his side.

Five minutes later, Kenzie comes in the house. At least they couldn’t do much in five minutes. But if they keep dating, it won’t be long before they do more than kiss.

“Have a good time?” I ask, coming out of my room as Kenzie’s going into hers.

She turns around. “What?”

“You and Dan. Did you guys have a good time?”

She smiles. “We did. He’s a really nice guy.”

“So you’re going out with him again?”

“Maybe on Wednesday. I’m not sure. He’s going to call me. How about you and Nikki?”

“Nikki? What about her?”

“You never came home after you went to her place. I assume that means things went well with you two?”

“No. Not at all. We had a fight. I forgot I didn’t tell you that.”

“What happened? Why were you fighting?”

“It was like you said. She made up this story about some guys coming to fix her apartment Sunday morning and that she had to get her stuff out or it’d get ruined by all the dust and paint. She was crying when she called, trying to get me to feel sorry for her.”

“Which worked,” Kenzie says.

“Yeah. I fell for it. I shouldn’t have, but I did. And it turns out, the guys aren’t fixing her place until Tuesday or Wednesday. She lied so I’d come over right away.”

“Did she try to get back together with you?”

“Yeah.” I half smile. “This is where you tell me ‘I told you so’.”

“I’m not going to do that. I know how hard it is to say no to someone you used to care about, especially when they need help. I get why you went over there.”

“I never should’ve done it. I should’ve stayed with you and finished our conversation. I shouldn’t have run off like that.”

Her phone dings and she checks it. “It’s Dan. I need to get this.” She smiles at me. “See you tomorrow?”