“What?” she asks in that tone she uses when she plays dumb to get out of trouble.
“You know what I’m talking about. You make up drama so I’ll come running to help you. You do it to manipulate me. You did it the whole time we were together. I didn’t see it then, but I do now, and yet I still fell for it.” I roll my eyes. “I should’ve known when you called me this morning, crying and freaking out, that it was all an act. You didn’t need me to rush over. You have two days to get your stuff moved. You could’ve found someone else to do it, but instead you called me. The question is, why?” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the door frame, staring at her. “Why’d you call me and not someone else?”
She pouts. “Because I knew you’d say yes.”
“That’s it. I didn’t want to wait to move my stuff, and I knew you’d help me if I…” She looks to the side.
“If you made up a story about it having to be done right away? And then cried so I’d feel bad for you and agree to do it?”
“I don’t know why you’re being so mean about this. I needed help.”
“Seriously, Nikki?” I huff. “You’re seriously going to do that thing where you do something wrong and then turn it around and try to make me the bad guy?”
“I’m not—”
“Nikki, look at me.” I wait until her eyes meet up with mine. “It’s over. We’re not getting back together.”
“That’s not why I called you over here.”
“Troy texted me and said Carter broke up with you last night.”
“Yeah? So?” She starts petting her hair again.
“So now you’re lonely and want me to come back to you. You realize I was a damn good boyfriend who treated you better than Carter, or any guy, ever would. But it’s too late now.”
“Why?” She steps closer to me. “Why can’t we try again? It’ll be different this time. I promise.”
“It won’t be different. And what we had before isn’t what I want. I see that now. I know what I want, and it’s not this. Us.”
She folds her arms over her chest and glares at me. “Is there someone else?”
An image of Kenzie fills my head and I smile. “Yeah. Actually, there is.”
“Who?” she demands. “The guys didn’t say you were dating someone.”
“Because I’m not ready to tell her. I’m taking things slow.”
“Meaning you’re not really dating this girl. If you’re not dating her, you’re free to date someone else.”
“I don’t want anyone else. I want her. And if she needs more time, I’ll wait until she’s ready.”
“Why? You could have any girl on campus. Why would you sit around waiting for some girl to go out with you?”
“Because she’s worth the wait,” I say, finally admitting my feelings for her. “I love her.”
“You what?” Nikki hits my arm, but she’s so scrawny I barely feel it. “You love some other girl? What about me?”
“I stopped loving you the moment I saw you with Carter.” I check my phone for the time. “I have to go. I’m gonna be late for work.”
As I walk down the hall, I hear Nikki slam the door. A text pops up on my phone from her that says, For the record, I never loved you.
That’s Nikki. Always having to have the last word. Making sure it’s something hurtful because she thinks hurting people will make her feel better. Her text would’ve hurt me in the past, but now? I don’t feel anything at all. She has no power over me anymore. I’m not even angry at her. I feel nothing for her, which I wouldn’t have thought was possible back in August when she broke my heart.
Now my heart’s whole again, and it’s all because of the girl who showed up on my porch. A girl I want to be mine someday. She’s scared of getting hurt again, but I’m going to do all I can to lessen those fears so that maybe she’ll consider my offer to be more than just roommates.
All night at work, I think about what I’m going to say to Kenzie. I tried to talk to her this morning, but then Nikki called and interrupted us. So I’m going to do it tonight. I’m going to tell Kenzie how I feel. I don’t want to keep waiting.