“Are you at the airport?”
“No, I got home last night. I don’t fly out again until this afternoon. Going to Atlanta for a trade show.”
“You need time off. You’re never home.”
“I know, but I’m making good money. So what’s up? How are classes?”
“What’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?”
“You sound sad. Did some asshole break your heart? Was it Liam again? Did that jerk try to get back together with you?”
“No. I haven’t seen Liam since that day at the pool.”
“So it’s some other guy. Who? I swear, I’ll kill him for hurting you. Actually, I’ll send Kane there to do it. He’s huge. He’ll take care of whoever this guy is.”
“Who’s Kane?”
“A guy I met at a sales conference last week. He’s a pharmaceutical rep and amateur bodybuilder. The guy is huge. He could put a scare into anyone giving you trouble.”
“Are you dating him?”
“We might’ve had dinner.” She pauses. “And maybe went back to his room.”
“You slept with him?” I ask, sounding shocked.
“Hey, don’t judge. It’d been forever and I needed it. Like really needed it.”
“I’m not judging. I’m just surprised you didn’t tell me.”
“I haven’t talked to you since it happened. So how about you? Did you and this guy have sex?”
“Um… what guy?”
“I don’t know. I’m waiting for you to tell me. And by the way, your attempt to not answer my question tells me you had sex with him.”
“Okay, I did, but I’d rather not say who it is.”
“Hold on. You really had sex with someone who wasn’t Liam? Kenzie, that’s great! You finally did it with a different guy! You realize he’s only the second guy you’ve ever had sex with, and you’re not going to tell me who it is? Sorry, but I need to know who this guy is. I’m your best friend. You can’t keep this a secret.”
She’s right. Before last night, I’d only had sex with Liam. I didn’t know if the sex was good or bad because I had nothing to compare it to. But after being with Jace, I now know that sex with Liam was bad. Really bad. He was done so fast I almost never finished. Jace made sure I did. And it was unlike anything I’d ever felt. I didn’t know an orgasm could be that good. All those years with Liam, I never knew what I was missing out on.
“So?” Tori says. “Are you gonna tell me?”
“What are we talking about? The sex or the guy?”
“Both. Start with the sex. How was it?”
“Amazing. Way better than I ever had with Liam.”
“Anyone would be better than him.”
I laugh. “How would you know?”
“He just looks like a terrible lover. So who’s the guy? That one who asked you out a few weeks ago?”