Page 100 of Accidental Roommates



I wake up in Jace’s arms and notice the sun seeping through the blinds. How did it get to be morning? I must’ve fallen asleep after we had sex. I was exhausted after that, but in a good way. I was relaxed and all warm and tingly inside.

Last night was amazing. It could’ve been because we’ve denied ourselves for so long. The sexual tension between us has been building for weeks. Finally being able to do it made the sex ten times better. Or maybe it was us. Our undeniable chemistry. Our intense desire for each other. Knowing each other so well. Whatever the reason, it was a night I’ll never forget, but one that won’t happen again.

When I told Jace that what we did wouldn’t change our relationship, I thought he’d tell me I was wrong. I thought he’d say he wants to be more than friends. But instead, he was silent, which tells me he wants to go back to how things were before.

Maybe it’s for the best. After what I went through with Liam, I’m not ready to have my heart broken again. If we dated and it didn’t work out, I don’t think my heart could take it. It’d be so much worse than with Liam because my feelings for Jace are so much stronger.

I love Jace, more than I ever loved Liam. I loved him as a friend first, and now it’s become something more. But dating him means putting our friendship at risk. If we broke up, there’s a chance he’d no longer be part of my life. I can’t let that happen. He means too much to me. I think he feels the same way, which is why he didn’t disagree with me when I said things wouldn’t change between us.

Slowly and carefully, I move out of his arms and get out of bed.

“Stay,” he mutters. I look back and see his eyes fluttering open.

“I have to go.”

“Where? It’s Sunday.”

“I have to shower, then work on a paper.”

“Come on. Just a few more minutes?”

“I can’t. I really need to finish the paper.” I leave his room before I get back in bed with him. I’m really tempted to, but if we’re going back to how things were, I need to stay away from him.

Hurrying back to my room, I grab my robe and go in the bathroom to shower, making sure to lock the door that goes to Jace’s room. After the shower, I get dressed and go to the kitchen. Jace is there, making eggs with his infomercial skillet.

“This thing is amazing!” He moves a spatula around the eggs. “Nothing sticks to it. Even melted cheese comes right off.”

“You’re funny. I’ve never seen anyone get so excited about a pan.”

“It’s exciting because it actually works.” He divides the eggs between two plates and hands me one.

“Thanks.” I grab some forks from the drawer and join him at the breakfast bar.

“So,” he says, taking a fork and digging into his eggs. He takes a bite, not finishing his thought.

“Yeah?” I look down at my eggs, moving them around on my plate. I don’t want to talk about last night, but I get a feeling we’re going to.

“What do you think?” He shovels more eggs in his mouth.

“About what?”

“Last night.”

“It was great,” I say, assuming he’s referring to the sex.

“It was, but that’s not what I meant.” He keeps his eyes on his plate. “What you said last night. About things going back to how they were. Is that really what you want?”

I shrug. “We don’t really have a choice. If it doesn’t work out, I don’t have a place to—”

I’m interrupted by his phone ringing.

“Go ahead and get it,” I tell him.

He sends the call to voicemail and turns to me. “Finish what you were saying.”