"I've seen that girl," Mark says. "She's hot. Why don't you want to go out with her?"
"Because I already have someone."
"You do?" they both say at the same time.
"Who is she?" Mark asks.
"Wait, is she the girl who was at your apartment?" Devin asks. "Tiny brunette with the big breasts?"
Why the hell was he looking at her breasts? She does have really nice breasts but he shouldn't have been looking at them.
"Yeah, that's her. Her name is Raine."
"Where'd you meet her?" Mark asks.
"At a coffee shop near my apartment."
"Does she work downtown?"
"She's kind of between jobs right now," I say.
"She looked really familiar when I saw her," Devin says. "What'd you say her name was?"
He stops to think. "I don't know anyone with that name but I swear I know her from somewhere."
Not wanting him to figure it out, I change topics. "So what's the meeting about today?"
"No idea." Mark gets up and tosses his gum in the trash. "They're probably going to tell us we have to start coming in on the weekends."
"Fuck that," Devin says. "They get enough of my time as it is." He points his pen at me. "I know where I saw her."
"Just forget it. It doesn't—"
"The park," Devin says. "She's that homeless girl, right? The one who digs shit out of the trash?"
"You're dating a homeless girl?" Mark asks.
"We're not really dating. Not yet. For now we're just friends."
"You let that chick hang out at your apartment?" Devin's brows rise. "She's gonna steal from you, man, if she hasn't already."
"She wouldn't steal from me. She's not like that."
"Why are you hanging out with a homeless girl?" Mark asks.
"Because she's a good person. And she's trying to get back on her feet. She hasn't been homeless that long. It's only been a few months."
"How'd she end up on the streets?"
"Some asshole took everything she had. Left her with nothing."
Devin swipes through his phone. "She's hot, but that's way too much baggage if you ask me."
"I didn't. And I don't want to talk about her. I knew you guys would give me shit about being with her."
"I just don't get why you'd date her when you could be with someone like Giselle."