Checking my phone, I see it's almost nine. How did it get so late?
Looking up from my laptop, I see Zoe standing next to an old lady. The lady is hunched over and wearing purple polyester pants that have a stain on the leg. The collar of her pink shirt is stained too, and over it she's wearing two button-up sweaters. Her white hair is sticking up all over the place and she looks tired.
Another homeless person, but she's the first woman I've seen. All the other homeless people I've encountered have been men.
Zoe hands the old lady a paper sack. "A little treat."
The old lady grins from ear to ear. "Brownies?"
"And a few leftover cookies. Sorry I don't have more. It was a busy day."
"This is plenty," the old lady says. "Bless you, dear."
Zoe gives her a hug, even though the lady is covered in dirty clothes and probably smells. "I'll see you next week, okay?" She walks her to the door.
"Looking forward to it. Bye, sweetie." The old lady winks at her as she exits the coffee shop.
Zoe turns the open sign to closed just as the door swings open.
"We're clos—oh, hi, hon! Did you need something?"
"Bathroom. I'll be quick. I promise."
"No rush. Take your time."
As the girl walks past Zoe, I get a better look at her. As she makes her way through the coffee shop, I'm still watching her. I can't take my eyes off her. She's gorgeous. Long thick brown hair. Dark soulful eyes. Full beautiful lips. She's wearing two tank tops, one layered over the other, and over that is a long gray open sweater that goes to her knees. Ripped faded jeans cover her legs and on her feet are sneakers that are missing the laces.
"Hey," she mutters as she passes me. She must've noticed I was staring at her. I wonder if she lives around here, but if she does, why is she using the bathroom at the coffee shop?
I shut down my laptop but remain at the table, wanting to see the girl again. But she's taking forever in the bathroom and it's after nine. I have to go. Zoe needs to close the place so she can get home to her family.
"Sorry," I tell her on my way out. "I didn't realize it was so late."
"Don't worry about it." She walks me to the door. "I'll let you out."
She unlocks the door and opens it. "Have a good night! Be sure to come back."
"I will." I glance back at the bathroom, hoping that girl will come out so I can figure out why I can't stop thinking about her. She's beautiful, yes, but there's something else about her. I'm drawn to her and don't know why.
"Did you need something else?" Zoe asks.
"Oh, sorry, no." I say, stepping out to the sidewalk. "Goodnight."
I leave and walk back to my apartment, the whole time thinking about that girl. I need to see her again. I want to know more about her. But I have no idea why. I've seen beautiful women before but never had them take over my mind like this.
I'm going to go back there tomorrow. And I'm going to keep going back there until I see her again.
"The Samson case is behind schedule so I'll be assigning several of our new hires to work on it," Mr. Kasburger says. He continues to talk but I keep tuning him out because this update meeting has been going on for an hour and I'm finding it hard to pay attention.
Every time my mind wanders it goes to that girl from last night and then the questions start. Where does she live? What does she do? How old is she? How did Zoe know her? And the question I most want to know...does she have a boyfriend?
When I moved here I decided to focus on my career and set my love life aside until later. I'm in no rush to get into another relationship, and dating takes time, which I won't have with this new job. But then I saw that girl and suddenly I want to date again. Unfortunately, there's no way a girl that beautiful is single. If she is, it's because she wants to be, not because guys aren't interested.
"Miles!" I hear Mr. Kasburger's voice and turn to look at him at the end of the conference table.