"I don't want help."
"I didn't either. But now that I've accepted it, I can see that my stubbornness and pride were holding me back from what I really wanted. Zoe's been offering to help me for years but I wouldn't accept it. I didn't want to interfere with her life. But Zoe never saw it as interfering. I did, because I didn't want to be a burden. I don't want you to be like me. I don't want you still living here when you're old and your health is failing. Let Miles help you. He showed up when he did because it was meant to be."
"Gladys, you know I don't believe in that stuff. Fate. Destiny. It isn't real."
"Then trust what your gut is telling you. And trust your heart." She gives me a hug. "I love you, sweet girl."
My eyes fill with tears. "I love you too."
"Gladys!" The girls run toward us and I quickly wipe my eyes.
"What is it, girls?" Gladys asks, leaning down to them.
"Look what Miles gave us!" the younger one says as she holds up a lollipop.
"That was very nice of him," Gladys says. "Did you tell him thank you?"
They both nod. She continues to talk to them as I walk over to Miles.
"Where'd you get the lollipops?"
"At the bank. They have a bowl of them by the teller stand. I always take some."
"And carry them around with you?"
He chuckles. "No. Zoe said she might be bringing the girls with her so I brought the lollipops just in case." He reaches in his pocket and pulls one out. "Brought one for you too."
"Thanks." I take it and put it in my pocket.
"I think I got everything," Zoe says, holding a box filled with Gladys' stuff.
Miles takes the box from her. "I'll go pack it in the van.”
"Thank you, Miles." Zoe watches him leave, then turns to me. "He's a really great guy."
"Yeah. He is." I glance down at the ground. I'm still angry at Zoe for taking Gladys, and ashamed of myself for it. Gladys is where she needs to be and I'm grateful Zoe is helping her, but I'm still angry.
"Gladys said you might've found her a place to stay?" I ask. "Some lady at your church?"
Zoe's face lights up and a smile spreads across her cheeks. "Actually, she'll be staying with us. I haven't told her yet but I talked to my husband last night and he agreed she's a perfect fit for our family. She loves the girls and they love her, and although space will be tight, we just can't let her go."
"That's great." I look over at Gladys, who's still smiling as the girls both talk to her at once. "She'll really like it there."
"Raine." Zoe puts her hand on my shoulder. "I know it's hard to see her go but this isn't goodbye. I'll bring her by when I work here on Tuesdays. You two can have the afternoon together and then I'll take her home on my break."
"You'd really do that?"
"Of course I would. Gladys loves you. She can't go without seeing you. And if you want to visit her at the house, just let me know. I'll come pick you up. Or have Miles take you. You're both welcome at the house anytime."
"Thanks. That makes me feel better knowing I can see her again."
"Anytime. And feel free to call too. I'll see if I save up some money to get you a phone."
"No, don't do that. I can use Miles' phone. Or I'll use the one in the coffee shop."
"Mom, are we going?" Zoe's older daughter yells.
"Just a minute," she yells back, then she says to me, "We need to be going. The girls have ballet class."