Page 92 of Home With You

"No." I sigh. "I lost it. It must've fallen off my wrist when I was digging in the trash can."

"Give it back," Miles says to Levi.

"Hell, no. I found it. It's mine now."

"But it was Raine's first, so give it back."

"It wasn't mine," I say. "I found it too. He can have it."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I don't need it."

Levi slips the watch back in his pocket. "So what's up with you and the guy?" He winks at me. "You finally take my suggestion?"

"No! And I never would! I'd rather starve than do that." I pull on Miles. "Let's go."

We start walking.

Levi follows beside us. "No really, what's going on here? Is this a date?"

"It's none of your business," I say. "Just go away."

"Hey." Levi points at Miles. "I've seen you before. You work in that building next to the Italian place, right?"

"Yeah? So?" Miles stops at the intersection and pushes the walk button.

"What's a guy like you doing with her?" Levi points to me.

"Just ignore him," I say.

Miles turns to Levi. "Raine is a friend, and one of the best people I know. And if you keep talking about her like you did just now, you'll be losing more than that watch you took from her." He gets up in Levi's face. Miles is much taller than Levi and has a lot more muscle.

Levi backs away. "Hey, man, I never stole that watch. She said it herself."

The walk signal lights up.

"Let's go," I say, tugging on Miles' hand.

He gives Levi a look of warning before crossing the street.

When I look back, Levi's heading the other direction.

"You're not friends with that guy, right?" Miles asks.

"No. We just run into each other on the street sometimes."

"I don't like him, and I really don't like what he was trying to imply about you."

"That's just Levi. You just have to ignore him."

Miles glances at me as we walk. "Do a lot of people out here do that?"

"What? Sell their body?" I shrug. "I don't know. I don't ask. I try to keep to myself. When I see other homeless people I go the other direction. Gladys is the only person I really talk to, or Levi, but that's only when he's on my street." I pause. "Levi does it."

"He sells his body?" Miles asks, sounding surprised.

"He'll sell anything, including his body."