Page 89 of Home With You

I glance at him across the table. "It's not like that, Zoe. We're just friends."

"He could help you, Raine. Just talking to him, I know he'd do most anything to help you. You just need to let him. Are you still at his place?"

"No, we're out having dinner."

"But you're going to stay with him tonight, right?"

"Probably. Hey, I should go. I don't think the restaurant approves of cell phones." I glance around, noticing the dirty looks I'm getting. "Tell Gladys I said hi and that I hope she gets better soon."

"I will. Tell Miles hi for me."

"Okay. Bye, Zoe." I give Miles his phone. "She said to tell you hi."

"How's Gladys doing?"

"Good. It sounds like she never wants to leave."

"What do you mean?"

"She loves Zoe's girls and they love her. They don't want her to leave."

He smiles. "I thought that might happen. Gladys told me how much she loves kids."

"She can't stay there," I say, sounding angry. Because I AM angry. Zoe can't take Gladys from me. I need her.

Miles reaches across the table for my hand. "Nothing's been decided. She hasn't even been there a day."

"I know, but Zoe's already trying to find Gladys somewhere to live. She said she's going to post something at her church."

"Would that really be a bad thing?" he asks.

I sigh. "No. It's good. It's what needs to happen. She's too old to be on the streets. She needs a real place to stay. I just...I just don't want her to go."

Miles gives my hand a squeeze. "Let's worry about that when it happens. But whatever happens with Gladys, you're not alone. I'll still be here."

I look away, taking my hand from his and placing it under the table.

He sits back and picks up the menu. "I think I'll get the broiled cod with polenta."

"What about the lasagna?"

"Too much fat."

"You said you were splurging."

"Changed my mind. I'm trying to win over this girl, and since my attempts to be nice to her don't seem to working, I'm going for pure physical attraction. Maybe I could win her over with my abs."

I smile. "You don't have to do that. Have the lasagna."

"Nope." He sets his menu down. "I'm going with the cod."

I put my menu on top of his. "I DO appreciate everything you've done for me. I just can't accept your help anymore."

"Which I don't get, but let's just agree to disagree." He smiles. "Or maybe my six-pack abs will make you change your mind."

The waiter arrives. "Can I start you with any drinks?"

"Just water," I say.