"To the bar. To see Giselle."
He walks over to the bed and sits beside me. "Raine, I'm not going to the bar."
"Why? Because of me? Because I'm staying here?"
"No. Well, yes, that's part of the reason. But even if you weren't here, I wouldn't go. I'm not really friends with Devin, or the other guys at the office. I get along with them at work but they're not the type of people I'd want to hang out with outside of work."
"What about Giselle? Don't you want to at least go there and have a drink with her? See if there's something there?"
"There's nothing there. I already went out with her."
"You did?" I sit up. "When?"
"We had lunch last week. It wasn't planned. We just happened to be at the same restaurant and she asked if she could sit with me."
"And what happened?"
He shrugs. "We just had lunch and talked. I thought I made it clear to her I wasn't interested but I guess not if she's wanting to meet up at the bar tonight."
"Why don't you like her?"
"Because I—" He stops and takes a breath. "I just didn't feel anything for her."
"But you don't know really know her. You should give it more time. Go out with her again."
"Why are you trying to set me up?"
"I'm not. I just think you need more time before deciding if you like a person."
"I don't need time. I know right away." He pulls the comforter over me and I lay back down. "Get some sleep."
He gets up to leave and my heart jerks forward, like it's reaching for him, trying to get him back. I want it to stop but it won't. My heart wants Miles. It likes him more than it should. It has feelings for him it shouldn't have.
"Miles?" I call out as he's about to go down the stairs.
"I'm worried about Gladys." It's true, but it's also the only thing I could think of to make him stay. I want him here with me while I sleep. Before, when I thought he had feelings for me, I wouldn't have dared to even consider having him lie next to me, but knowing he only sees me as a friend, I want him beside me.
"I know you're worried," he says, walking back to me. "Can I do anything to make you feel better?"
"Will you stay with me?" I swallow and look down at the bed. "I don't want to be alone right now."
"Um, sure," he says, sounding uncertain. He goes around to the other side of the bed and lies on top of it. "This okay?"
"I guess, but you might be cold without the covers."
He looks at me. "You sure?"
"We're just napping," I say, tossing the covers back. "What's the big deal?"
He gets in beside me and pulls the covers over us. I slide up next to him, resting my head on his chest but keeping the rest of my body a safe distance away. I'm not worried about him making a move. I'm worried about me. Worried I'll act on my attraction to him.
He's warm. He smells amazing. And his muscular body is right beside me in bed.
"Goodnight, Raine," he says, his arm closing around me.
"Goodnight, Miles."