"The woman he likes at the office." He grins. "He'll know which one I mean."
"Yeah, I'll tell him. Bye."
"See ya."
I shut the door and lock it, then lean back against it.
So Miles likes a girl at the office. Is it the girl he was telling Gladys about? But he didn't seem that interested in her. Maybe it's a different girl.
All this time I've been thinking he likes me as more than a friend, when he's actually been trying to date someone else. How did I misread him like that? Or maybe he used to be interested in me but now he's not. He only kissed me that one time and hasn't done it since. He's had chances to but hasn't even tried. That should've been my clue he'd moved on to someone else.
I should get out of here. I don't want him staying home tonight because of me. Should I tell him or just leave a note and go?
A noise comes from his room and I look up and see him turning on his side, mumbling in his sleep. I'll just go tell him.
Walking up the short the flight of stairs, I see his eyes open slightly as I reach the bed.
"Yeah. Sorry to wake you up."
His eyes flicker open and he sits up slightly. "Did you need something?"
"I just wanted to let you know that some guy stopped by. A guy from your office. Kevin? Darren? Something like that. I can't remember his name."
"Devin stopped by?" He sits up more and the covers drop down, exposing his chest. I was trying to ignore the fact that's he's shirtless but now it's all I can focus on. That smooth chest. Those muscles. The images I had of him in the shower flash in my head and I feel a heat rushing through me.
"Devin," I say, taking a step back. "Yeah, that was it. He was with his brother. They were looking at apartments. I think his brother was getting ready to sign a lease."
"Why'd he stop by? Just to say hi?"
"Yeah, and to tell you that he and some other guys are going to a bar by your office tonight at seven. He said Giselle would be there."
I've never met Giselle but in my head, I'm picturing a tall blonde with long legs and long flowing hair, wearing a suit and high heels.
"Anyway," I say, turning toward the stairs, "I'll see you later. I'm going to go hang out at the coffee shop."
"Raine, wait!" I hear the sheets ruffling, like he's getting up.
I turn back and see Miles sitting on the edge of the bed. My eyes go to his bare chest, then drop lower. He's wearing black basketball shorts. When did he change clothes? When I was in the shower?
"Why are you leaving?"
I shrug. "I don't really have anything to do here."
"You don't have anything to do at the coffee shop. At least here you can watch TV. Or why don't we go somewhere? You want to go to a movie?"
"No. I'm kind of tired. I think I'll just go home and sleep."
"You can sleep here."
"I tried, but I couldn't get comfortable on your couch."
It's a lie. His couch is fine. I just need an excuse to get out of here.
"Then sleep here. Just let me get dressed and the bedroom's yours." He gets up.