Page 66 of Home With You

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I get that you don't approve but I don't need your approval to date her. Let's talk about something else."

"Actually, I need to get going. I have to get ready for my date, or whatever this dinner is. I’d like it to be a date but I'm not getting my hopes up."

"Good luck. Tell Kristen I said hi."

"I will. And hey, Miles, don't be pissed at me for what I said. I'm just looking out for you. You've got a big heart and I don't want some girl taking advantage of you."

"Yeah, got it. Bye." I end the call, still angry at him for reacting that way about Raine. He doesn't know her so he shouldn't be saying all that shit about her. She's not trying to take advantage of me. She won't even let me help her. I keep having to pretend to be getting rid of stuff to make her take it.

Feeling the need to work off some stress, I go up to my room to change into my gym clothes. I've been working out in the mornings so I can see Raine at night so I've already worked out once today but I feel the need to work out again, maybe hit the punching bag a few times.

The doorbell rings, which startles me because it's the first time I've heard it ring. It's really loud. It rings again, followed by knocking.

"Miles?" I hear the voice through the door and instantly know it's Raine. What is she doing here? "Miles, I need help!"

I race to put my shorts on, then grab a t-shirt and hurry downstairs to answer the door.

"What's wrong?" I ask, seeing the panicked look on her face.

Her eyes drop to my chest and I realize my t-shirt is still in my hand.

I put it on. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"Gladys. She's coughing really bad and having a hard time breathing. I need to get her help but the free clinic is like ten miles away and I don't have money for the bus."

"I'll take you. Just let me get my keys." I run to the kitchen counter, grab my keys and my phone, and meet her back at the door. "Let's go."

"I'm scared," Raine says as we take the elevator to the parking garage. "I don't want anything to happen to her."

"I know." I take Raine's hand. "I don't either."

We get in my car and I drive down the busy street, weaving through traffic until we reach the coffee shop. I pull into what's marked as a loading zone because it's the only open space close to the alley.

Getting out of the car, I see Raine run ahead to the alley. I meet her there and see Gladys doubled over in her chair, covering her mouth as she coughs. Raine is kneeled down beside her, offering her the bottled water I left them last night. I've continued to bring them food and water every night for weeks now. Raine has given up trying to stop me but I think it's more for Gladys' sake than her own.

"C'mon, Gladys," I say, helping her up. "We're going to get you to a doctor who'll take care of that cough."

"Bless you," she says with that sweet smile of hers. She's become like a grandmother to me, which is something I've never had. I never met my dad or his family, and my mom's parents disowned her when she got pregnant with me because she wasn't married. She hasn't talked to them since the day they kicked her out.

I load Gladys into the front seat of my car while Raine jumps in the back. She directs me where to go as Gladys wheezes and coughs and struggles to breathe. How did she get so sick overnight? I guess when I think about it, she didn't sound good last night either. She wasn't coughing as much but she was wheezing.

"That's it," Raine says, pointing to a small brick building that's been painted white and has weeds growing up along the side of it.

"Are you sure?" I ask, because it doesn't look like a place you'd get medical care.

"It runs off donations," she says. "They don't have money to fix it up. Parking's in back."

I go around back and see the lot is almost full. I find the last spot, which luckily is right by the door, and park the car. Raine jumps out and helps Gladys while I go to the building and open the door for them.

"It'll be about an hour wait," the lady at the front desk tells us.

"An hour?" Raine says. "That's too long! She needs help now!"

"Sorry but that's the best I can do," the lady says before walking off.

"Let's go sit down," I say, taking Gladys' arm and leading her to a seat by the door. It's the only seat left. Raine and I stand beside her. Raine's looking at Gladys like she's sure she's going to die.

"She'll be okay," I say quietly to Raine. I put my arm around her, expecting she'll pull away, but instead she turns and rests her head on my shoulder.