"So why don't you ask her out for tonight?"
"Because she'll turn me down. But I'll probably go over there later and hang out."
"You hang out with her but she doesn't want to go anywhere?"
"She doesn't want to date anyone right now. She's trying to figure things out. Find a job. She doesn't want to be in a relationship. But I really like her and I like hanging out with her."
"Miles, no offense, but I think the girl's trying to tell you she's not interested."
"She is. She just needs more time. It's complicated."
"You don't need complicated. Forget this girl and go find someone else."
"I don't want anyone else. I really like this girl. Her name is Raine and she's gorgeous. Dark hair. Dark eyes. And when she smiles, it's like the whole room lights up. And she's got a good heart. She takes care of this old lady, Gladys, like the woman was her grandma, even though she's only known her a few months. "
"I can tell you really like this girl but it sounds like it's not going to go anywhere. Just end it before you get hurt."
"I can't. Seeing her is the only good part of my day right now."
"But she doesn't feel the same way, so find someone who does."
"It's not that simple."
"Why? What's the deal with this girl? There's something you're not telling me."
Greg knows me better than anyone. He can always tell when I'm hiding something.
"She's homeless," I say.
The phone goes silent, then he says, "Let me get this straight. You're in love with a homeless girl?"
"I'm not in love. I just like her. A lot. And the homeless thing is just temporary. Once she gets a job, she'll get off the streets."
"How's she going to get a job if she's homeless?"
"I'm going to help her. She doesn't like accepting help so it may take awhile but eventually she'll take my help and get back on her feet."
"Miles, I know you're not gonna like me saying this but I gotta be straight with you here. You've lost your damn mind if you're seriously trying to date a homeless girl."
I bolt up from the couch. "I knew you'd say that and it pisses me off. We've always said we'd support each other and now you're telling me I'm crazy for having feelings for this girl just because she's homeless? What the hell difference does it make?"
"Seriously? I know you're not that stupid."
"Meaning what, exactly?"
"People on the street are desperate. They'll do anything for money. Lie. Cheat. Steal. For all you know she could be a hooker."
"She's not a prostitute and don't you ever fucking say that again." I clench my fist, my anger building as I walk to the window.
"She could be an addict. You ever see her do drugs?"
"She's not an addict. Not anymore."
Shit. Why did I say that? I wasn't going to tell him that.
"So she IS an addict." He sighs. "Miles, what the hell?"
"She got hooked on prescription pain meds after a car accident but that was years ago. She hasn't touched the stuff since."