Page 51 of Home With You

"I'm walking you back," he says, like I have no choice in the matter. "Let's go."

He locks up his apartment and we go down to the street. My new backpack is slung over his shoulder and when I look at him, I can't help but smile. I don't even know why I'm doing it and I wish I could stop because smiling this much can't be normal.

"I had a great night," he says, taking hold of my hand.

"What's this?" I ask, picking our hands up.

"I get scared in the dark. I have to hold your hand to feel safe."

"It's not that dark. There's street lights everywhere. You just made that up."

"If I told you the real reason, would you still let me do this?" he asks, giving my hand a squeeze.

"Maybe. So what's the reason? Why'd you take my hand?"

"Remember when we were talking about choices?"


"I had a choice. I walk beside a beautiful girl, dying to hold her hand, but don't do it because she might tell me to go to hell, or I take the risk and just go for it."

"I could still tell you to go to hell."

"I'm thinking that might be next."

"Why? What do you mean?"

He stops suddenly and turns me toward him, and just as I'm about to ask what he's doing, he kisses me.

Sparks—flames—shoot off inside me. It's the type of kiss I've had dreams about but didn't think were real. I've never felt this much heat, excitement, emotion, from a kiss. I grab hold of him, wanting more. So much more.

I nearly melt when his hands slide under my hair, holding my head as his warm, soft, perfect lips move softly over mine. My lips part and I feel his tongue slip in my mouth, setting off more sparks. More heat.

God, I want this so much. More kisses like this. More nights like tonight. More Miles. But I can't have him. Lawyers don't date homeless girls. They don't date former addicts. Miles and I would never last. And I'm not going to let myself get hurt again.

"Stop," I say, shoving him away.

"Why?" he asks, his hands dropping to his sides. "What's wrong?"

"This." I shake my head. "I can't do this. I have to go." I run off.

"Raine, wait!" He runs to catch up.

I turn back to him. "I can get back by myself. Just leave me alone, okay?"

Hearing the plea in my tone, he stops. "Would you at least take the backpack?"

Shit. I forgot to pick it up.

I run back to him and he hands it to me, but keeps hold of the strap.

"Tell me what happened just now." He tugs tighter on the strap as I attempt to yank it away.

"Let it go," I say.

"Raine, that wasn't just any kiss. I know you felt it as much as I did."

"You're wrong." I look at him.