"No. But don't you want to go home?"
"Not really. I'm tired of being alone every night. Why don't you come back out here and we'll talk some more?" He reaches in his wallet and hands me a ten. "Can you get me coffee while you're in there? Get one for yourself too. I'll stay here and watch your stuff."
"Um, yeah, okay." I take the money and go inside the coffee shop. Gladys is still at the table, looking at one of the books she took from the bookcase. "Gladys, you okay?"
She smiles up at me. "I'm fine, dear. Should I go?"
"No. Stay here where it's warm. You want a coffee?" I show her the ten. "I have money."
"Where'd you get that?"
"I'll tell you later. I'll get your coffee. I'll be right back."
I go up to the counter and order three coffees. It's great to order something and be able to pay for it. It feels like forever since I've been able to do that. I probably shouldn't have accepted the money from Miles, or the stuff he left outside, but I'm not going to worry about that right now. I need to take care of Gladys. I need to make sure she gets better. And a new tent and blankets will help me do that.
Why is Miles doing all this? I can't figure it out. Does he really like me or is it something else?
Today was another shitty day at work but I didn't care because I knew when it was over, I'd get to see Raine. Right at five, I race home to get ready. It's not a date but I still want to look good. I'm driving instead or walking so I go to the underground parking garage to get my car. As I'm leaving the garage, the thought hits me that my car has a better place to stay than Raine does. It's a heated garage with lights and security, sheltered from the wind and rain and snow that will soon be falling. My car lives the life of luxury compared to Raine, which is wrong in so many ways.
I want to help her, and I tried last night, but she got mad at me. I get that she doesn't want handouts. When I first met her, I could tell she's strong and independent, but it's getting colder now and I couldn't let her live in that beat-up tent that didn't even close.
During my lunch hour today, I went and bought her a new backpack, then I filled it with more food, all stuff that wouldn't go bad. She'll probably yell at me for it, but if she does I'll tell her it's for her friend, the old lady she keeps talking about.
When I get to the coffee shop, I park on the street and get out of my car, then realize I forgot to bring the backpack. I'll have to give it to her later. I walk around the building to the alley.
"Raine," I say when I see her. Damn, she's beautiful. She's standing by the tent, her dark hair down around her shoulders, her eyes brighter and more alert than they were last night. It's probably because she actually got some sleep in a tent that stayed closed and with blankets that kept her warm. I don't have much money but didn't even hesitate when buying her that stuff. I didn't care what it cost. I just wanted her to be safe and warm and to have food in her stomach.
She's wearing jeans and the same sweater she's had on every time I see her. I wonder if she has other clothes. There weren't any in her backpack or in her old tent.
"Hey." She walks up to me. "About tonight. I have to cancel."
"Why?" I ask, unable to hide my disappointment. I really wanted to spend time with her tonight. I've been looking forward to it all day.
"It's Gladys. She's not feeling well and I don't want to leave her alone." Raine turns from me and walks away. She seems just as disappointed as I am but she's trying to hide it.
"Dinner won't take long," I say, walking up to her. "We'll go somewhere close by. If your friend is sick, she should eat to keep her strength up."
Raine turns to face me. "I gave her the food you left last night. She's resting now."
"What if I got us some food and brought it back? We could still have dinner. We'd just have it here."
"In the alley?"
"Sure. Why not?"
"There's not even a place to sit."
"Raine?" An old woman peeks her head out of the tent, coughing really hard. It's the same lady I saw at the coffee shop the first night I went there. The one who was talking to Zoe.
"Gladys, just wait there, okay?"
"Hi." I walk over to her. "I'm Miles. Raine's friend."
Gladys looks up at me and smiles. "Aren't you a nice looking young man?" She winks. "I see why Raine is so smitten with you."