He knows. He saw me digging through the trash and now he knows. I knew it'd happen, but I didn't want him to find out that way. Seeing me with my arm in a trash can while some lady yells at me to move so she can toss her cup away? It was humiliating, and when I looked up and saw Miles there, I felt sick. And sad. My dream of going out with this guy, as far-fetched as it was, ended at that moment. I was back to reality. Back to being the homeless girl with dirty clothes and dirty hair. The girl everyone looks at with disgust, like that woman did when she told me to move so she could toss her cup out.
Miles was with her but he didn't share her disgust. Instead, he looked at me with pity, which is almost as bad. I don't need his pity. I'm surviving out here just fine, and it's only temporary. Only until I can find a job and get back on my feet.
Gladys coughs, startling me. Her cough is really bad today, to the point she can barely breathe. I need to take her to the free medical clinic but they close at seven and we have to take a bus to get there. I don't have bus fare so I went to the one person I know who always has cash.
"Levi, I'll pay you back," I say, standing in front of him as he scans the street next to his building. "It isn't that much money and I know you have it."
"Doesn't mean I'll give it to you."
Gladys coughs again as she sits on Levi's lawn chair. It's cold out so I brought a blanket to cover her.
"It's not for me," I say lowering my voice. "It's for Gladys. She's sick. She needs a doctor."
"How you doing?" he says in a flirty tone to a guy walking by. The guy ignores him and keeps walking. "Huh. I could've sworn he was giving me a signal when he went by earlier. He just had that look, you know?"
"No. I don't. Now would you stop trying to get a date and listen to me?" I glance at Gladys, who's still hacking away. "She needs a doctor. Her cough is getting worse. I have to get her to the free clinic before they close."
"That's why he didn't stop. It's you and the old lady. Or more like YOU." He points his finger at me.
"Me? I didn't do anything."
"He thinks we're together." He steps back from me. "You just cost me three hundred bucks, maybe more. Did you see the suit that guy was wearing?"
"If you'd just give me the bus money I'd get out of here." I hold my hand out. "Bus money or I stay and ruin your little side business."
"Money won't do you no good."
"What do you mean?"
"The free clinic ain't open. Something about a water leak. Not gonna re-open for a week or two. Your only option is the ER. But good luck getting in there without money or insurance. Leroy tried last week and they turned him away."
Leroy lives one street over. He's been homeless for years and he's always sick.
"What happened to him?"
Levi shrugs. "Nothing. He seems better now. It was probably just the flu. I'm sure the old lady will get better. Just take her back and let her sleep."
"She doesn't have the flu. Something's wrong with her lungs. And she's a lot older than Leroy. She doesn't just get over stuff. She's had this cough for months."
"And she's still alive. She's fine. Just let it go."
"Raine?" Gladys says, getting up from her chair. "Why are we here?"
She's confused. She didn't sleep much last night and when she doesn't sleep, she gets confused.
I walk over to her. "Just a few more minutes, okay? I just need to talk to Levi."
She sits back down and I return to Levi. "I'll take her to the shelter. At least she'll be warm there and hopefully get some sleep. Just give me the bus fare. I promise I'll pay you back."
"You're too late. The shelter don't take people this late. And besides, last I heard they're full and weren't taking anyone new. It's getting cold. Everyone wants in, and the ladies that got kids are gonna get in before you."
I hadn't heard that, but he's probably right. We've had some cold nights, which means the shelters are filling up.
"What am I going to do?" I say, quieting my voice so Gladys won't hear. "Her cough is getting worse."
"Ask that coffee place if she can sleep there."