Page 25 of Home With You

The conference room door swings open and Devin walks in.

"You're in this meeting?" he asks. "I thought you weren't assigned to the Miller case."

"I'm not." I zip up the backpack and pick it up off the table. "I was just leaving."

"What's that?" He points to the backpack.

"I found it outside." I walk to the door. "See ya."

"What about tonight?" he asks as I'm leaving.

"Can't make it."

Forget about going out for beers. I have to find Raine. I have to give her the backpack and see if she'll let me help her. I'm guessing she won't. She seems like someone who doesn't like accepting help. She didn't even want me buying her that apple fritter. Shit. I ate half of it. I never would've done that if I knew she was homeless. That might've been the only thing she had to eat all day and I ate half.

I go back to my desk and hide the backpack in an empty file cabinet. Lisa's desk, which is right next to mine, is empty. She has meetings until five so I probably won't see her for the rest of the day. I could try to sneak out of here early but I have to get this research done or Lisa will do everything possible to get me fired.

Working harder and faster than I've ever worked, I do all the research she asked for and more, enough to fill three folders, and I get it all done by five. I leave the folders on her desk, then grab the backpack and get out of there.

When I get to my apartment, I change into a t-shirt and jeans then head back out, taking the backpack with me. I'm starving because I missed lunch and haven't had dinner. I usually never go this long without eating but I bet Raine does every day. The food in this backpack isn't enough for three meals. Does she go back at night to find more?

As I'm walking to the coffee shop I search the street for her, looking left and right, around corners and side lots. But I don't see her anywhere.

I go inside the coffee shop. There's a different girl working the register tonight.

"What can I get you?" the girl asks. She looks to be around twenty with black hair and a nose ring.

"Actually, I'm looking for someone." I walk up to the counter. "Do you know a girl named Raine? Dark brown hair. Brown eyes."

"I just started working here this week but the name sounds familiar. Is that the homeless girl? The one who comes in to use the bathroom?"

"Yeah. That's her. Have you seen her?"

"Not today. Why are you looking for her?"

I hold up the backpack. "She left this by my office today. I wanted to give it back to her."

The girl holds her hand out. "I'll take it. I'll give it to her next time she comes in."

"I'd really like to give it to her myself. Do you know where she lives?"

She points to the right. "I think she's out there in the alley. I could be wrong but I always see her walking that way."

"Great! Thanks!" I turn to leave but then turn back. "Do you have any food? Like real food, not just pastries?"

"No. We just have whatever the bakery delivers. It was busy here today so this is all we have left." She picks up a wrapped brownie like I had the other night.

Raine needs real food, not just sugar, but it's better than nothing. If I can get her to agree to go with me, I'll take her to the taco truck down the street. It's not much, but it's close and still open and has actual food, not just sweets.

"I'll take the brownie," I say, getting out my wallet. I pay for it, then race outside and down the street to the alley.

"Raine?" I call out, but nobody's there. The alley is empty except for a heap of stuff piled up by the building. I go over to check it out. On top are some dirty, torn blankets and below them are what looks like a tent. It's hard to tell because it's wadded up and ripped in places.

Shit. She's not here anymore. She's gone. She left because she didn't want to be found.

But I'm not giving up. I have to find her.