Page 22 of Home With You

The girl he's talking about IS gorgeous and I'm flattered that she's interested in me. The only problem is I'm interested in someone else. A girl I can't even contact because she wouldn't give me her number. I'll just have to keep going back to that coffee shop. I've seen her there twice now so she must live around there.

"What about tonight?" Devin asks.

"Let me think about it. I'll let you know."

He nods. "See ya later."

As Devin walks out of the break room, Lisa walks in. "There you are. I was looking all over for you."

"Why? What do you need?"

"I need you to do some research for me. I don't have time to do it so Calvin assigned you to help."

Calvin is Lisa's boss. He's worked here for years and about to make partner.

"What do I need to research?"

She motions me to follow her. "Walk fast. We have to hurry so I can get back for my meeting."

I follow her to the elevator. "Where are we going?"

"I need coffee. My kids had me up all night and I'm exhausted."

"There's coffee in the break room."

She gives me deadpan stare. "You can't be serious. Nobody drinks that coffee. It's black sludge."

I think the coffee is good but I'm not going to argue with her about it. Challenging her on stuff is only going to make it more difficult for me to work here. She'll make sure to make my life hell.

We ride the elevator to the first floor and as we're getting off, I see that girl Devin was talking about. She's signing for a package at the desk in the lobby.

As I walk by, she looks up and smiles. "Hi."

"Hi," I say, returning the smile.

She watches me leave, and when I turn back, I see her still smiling at me.

"Are you two seeing each other?" Lisa asks when we're out on the street. "Or is it just sex?"

"What?" I say, surprised she'd ask such an inappropriate question.

"The girl in there. The blonde," Lisa says, walking so fast it's hard to keep up. "There's obviously something going on between you two. Just so you know, she used to date one of the investment bankers that works on the twelfth floor."

"I'm not dating her. I just met her. That's the first time we've spoken. And why does it matter who she used to date?”

"She's used to money." Lisa weaves through the crowd, practically pushing people aside. "You don't have any, or at least I'm assuming that, given how you dress."

I glance down at my suit. It's not designer but it wasn't cheap. And I had it tailored so it fits right.

"A woman like that isn't looking for a relationship with someone like you," Lisa says. "She just wants you for sex, and I'm sure you'll oblige. After all, what man wouldn't want to sleep with a girl like that?"

Talking about this with her is making me uncomfortable so I attempt to change the subject.

"So what happened with the nanny? Did you find a new one?"

"Yes. He starts today."

"It's a guy?"