Page 21 of Home With You

"Going where?" I ask.

"The new hires are meeting at the brewhouse down the street. Didn't Mark tell you?"

"I haven't seen him today."

Mark started the same day I did, but Devin's worked here a couple months. He's been out of law school for two years and used to work at a firm in Nevada but didn't like the job or living in the desert so ended up here.

"You should join us," he says. "Unless you have plans."

I don't, but I was thinking of going back to the coffee shop tonight to see if Raine shows up there. She didn't agree to have coffee with me again but I'd still like to see her.

I don't know what happened last night. I keep thinking about it and I'm still confused. Raine and I were talking, laughing, and seemed to be having a good time, but then she got up and left. And she wouldn't give me her number. I definitely felt something between us, so why did she get up and leave like that?

I'm thinking she must have a boyfriend, in which case, she should've just told me. Or maybe she wasn't interested in me, but I could've sworn she was, given how she was looking at me. And I could feel it. I could feel the attraction between us. It wasn't just me.

"You got a girlfriend?" Devin asks, rinsing out his coffee cup at the sink.

"A girlfriend?" I ask, my mind still on Raine.

"Yeah." He chuckles. "You know, a girlfriend. A girl you date on a regular basis?"

I smile. "I know what a girlfriend is, and no, I don't have one. I just moved to town. I don't know anyone."

"I was thinking you might've had one back home. Like maybe you were doing the long-distance thing."

"No. I'm single. How about you?"

"She broke up with me when I took this job. Said she didn't want to move here." He goes to the coffee maker and pours himself a cup.

"Were you guys serious?"

"We'd dated almost a year but I knew it wasn't going anywhere. We should've broke up months ago." He takes his coffee and walks over to me. "Anyway, there's this girl that works on the fourth floor that was asking about you."

The law firm shares the building with several other companies. We're on the tenth floor. The fourth floor is rented out by a real estate firm.

"What'd she say?" I ask.

"We didn't talk long. We were waiting for the elevator. She asked if I knew you and if you had a girlfriend."

"And what'd you say?"

"I told her I knew you but wasn't sure about the girlfriend. You should go down and talk to her. She's really hot. Blonde hair. Great body. I'd date her in a heartbeat if she was interested."

"Is she a real estate agent?"

"Office manager. I'm sure you've seen her. She always wears those tight skirts and really high heels. Today she had on a black dress."

"Oh, yeah, I know who you're talking about. I saw her in the lobby this morning."

He smiles. "What do you think? You going to ask her out?"

"I don't even know her."

"But she wants to know YOU. You should go down there right now. Invite her out for a drink. I guarantee she'll say yes."

"I don't want to go down there while she's working. I'll talk to her next time I see her in the lobby."

"Okay, but if you wait too long she'll find someone else. A girl that hot doesn't stay single long."