Page 70 of Ataraxia

His voice cracked with his last words, and he let out a choked sound, running his free hand through his hair, tugging at the strands, then running it down his face. He still held the gun pointed at Roman’s head.

I had never seen a man so broken—so hell-bent on revenge for a love lost. I couldn’t help but see my parents standing behind him, their hands on his shoulders, trying to comfort the broken soul standing before them.

They would have loved him, too.

I loved him even more in this moment.

We had a common enemy in the end. Roman Atwater.

“I waited eleven long, excruciating fucking years to find Atwater and get revenge for the loss of my brother, my best friend. Kaleb was everything to me, and he took that away with the simple promise of life. That is why his life is mine to take. I am owed his life for Kaleb's.”

I swallowed and nodded, attempting to take another step toward him. When he let me, I continued further. Three slow steps later, I was standing chest to chest with him, my eyes not breaking their hold from his.

“I’m so sorry, Atlas. If only I had known…”

He cupped my cheek with his free hand, and I brought mine up to cradle the back of it, pressing my cheek firmly into his warm palm.

“I know, but now you know the truth and why I am the one who is going to kill him.”

I broke our contact and looked to where Roman was still strapped to the chair. He was right. This wasn’t my life to take; it was his, and I would let him have it.

Nothing mattered anymore, only him. I was finally free to love him.

The sound of heels clicking on the cement ground echoed through the room, interrupting us, and Roman began laughing in his chair, a twisted and dark laugh. I turned to look behind Atlas and found a woman walking towards us. She was wearing glossy black heels and a dark crimson fitted suit. Her deep red hair was pulled back into an elegant bun. Her lips matched her outfit and hair, a blood red. She stopped a few feet away from Atlas and me, crossed her arms over her chest, and grinned as she took in the scene before her, setting her gaze on Roman.

“Took your sweet-ass time getting here, baby.” He spoke, lifting his head to meet hers, and licked his lips.

The woman sucked on her teeth and then clicked her tongue, “I warned you this would happen if you weren’t careful, but look here; I’ve delivered you the client that wanted you dead.”

I knew that voice…

“I’m strapped to a fucking chair and had a knife at my throat. You could have prevented that by keeping your bitch in line, Charlotte.”

Charlotte? No…

“Charlotte?” I turned my head between Roman and the woman in utter disbelief. “That’s not possible; why would Charlotte be working with you.” I gave Roman a pointed stare. This couldn’t be possible. Why the fuck would Charlotte work for Roman if Atlas hired her to kill him. How the fuck? Am I in some kind of twilight zone?

“Because, like all good girls, Charlotte listens to money.” He gave a smug smirk and chuckled. Charlotte sighed and inspected her nails, rolling her eyes at him.

“Oh please, you know I own you, Roman. Don’t even fucking try to act like the big man here; you are nothing but a worm under my heel. I’m the reason you can get away with anything and everything, not the other way around. Your enemies are wising up.” She spat.

I shook my head, trying to wrap my mind around their exchange.

“Charlotte, what the fuck is going on?” I blurted out. I have never seen Charlotte in person; no one has ever seen her. Why was she suddenly showing her face now, and why was she here? The mystery woman I have worked for for over three years stood before me in all her fiery-red-queen glory.

“Let me just keep this short and sweet for you, Chyler… Atlas here hired me to kill Roman because of his brother, and I’m sure he’s already told you that story—so I won’t bother boring you with repeated details. But Roman reached out to me recently to go after whoever was hunting him down. When he found out it was us, I couldn’t refuse the deal he offered me. So, of course, I am handing our client over to our new client.” She gave a smile that oozed malevolence.

“No,” I growled. “You aren’t going to lay a finger on him.”

That is where she was wrong. No one touched what was mine, and I would not let her take Atlas from me. I tightened my grip on my knife and moved to step towards her.

“Ah, ah, ah.” She waved a finger in front of me and chuckled. “Now, that’s not the way I trained you, Chyler. Seems like someone needs a refresher.” She cooed and snapped her fingers. “Girls.”

Madison and Alexis entered the room, and without a single second of hesitation, I was shot in the chest with a dart, my vision slowly turning hazy and my limbs becoming weak. I looked at Atlas; he had fallen to the ground as I fought whatever was in that dart.

“Madi—” I breathed out as the darkness claimed me, and I collapsed to the floor next to Atlas.