Page 61 of Ataraxia

This whole situation was fucked. I need to get back to the others; I will have to deal with her after I deal with the mess she left behind. I need to cover up her tracks.

Stepping out from the shadows, I approached Derek, who was still gagging at the lifeless and blood-soaked body of Michael August.

“Did you get them?” He looked up at me. I had zero patience at this point. After finding out that Chyler was the one doing this, my sanity was hanging on by a single thread. Part of me wanted to run to her; the other wanted to kill her.

“Does it look like I fucking got them?” I held my hands out wide, emphasizing that they were empty and no one came back down the hall with me.

I ran my hands through my hair again and stopped next to Derek, looking down at the mangled body and pulling out my phone. No messages from her; I don’t know why I thought she would reach out to me after this. Why, I was hoping that she would try to. I had fallen for her—the sucker that I am, she had me wrapped around her finger, and I would have done anything for her—and then she had to go and fuck everything up.

“Call clean up and get Marcus and Dean in here.” I scanned the room and caught a red light blinking above the door we stormed in through. I pointed at it with my phone. “And get someone to hack that camera and get whatever video they can from it. Now.” Every word was a demand. I bit my cheek, looking back down at my phone again.

“I’m on it.” Derek patted my shoulder as he pulled out his phone, making his first call to Marcus and then to Dean. We needed them here to search for any additional evidence that was left behind.

We spent about an hour checking every room and hall in this building, waiting for clean-up to arrive. Dean came running in from his exterior search with a small black bag in his hand.

“I searched the SUV they were driving across the street, and inside was this.” He handed me the black bag, and I opened it, dumping the contents onto the floor. A small vial of sedative rolled along the floor. They must have sedated Michael in the SUV when they picked him up from the airport. I dropped the bag to the floor and ran a hand over my face.

I couldn’t believe Chyler was capable of this. My Chyler was capable of this. I had fallen in love with the enemy I had been chasing for months. I am not supposed to still love her after this, but all I can think about is running to her and holding her in my arms. Protecting her.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

“Did anyone get into the cameras yet?” I asked with a deep sigh. I needed to get out of here. I needed to get to Chyler’s apartment, and hopefully before she got there first.

With the fear that I saw in her eyes, I had a good idea that would not be the first place she would have gone to, but she would show up there eventually, and when she did, I would be there when she opened the door.

This wasn’t over between us. I wasn’t done with her.

“Nothing yet, but they did break through the security on it. I’m sure they will be able to recover some, if not all, of the video for tonight.” Marcus stuffed his phone and his hands into his pockets with a shrug. I have no idea how he is so calm right now, with a dead Michael August two feet away from him.

I sucked at my teeth, staring down at the body of Michael. The longer I stared, the more I struggled to believe that Chyler could do something like this. How could a woman so beautiful and perfect be so vicious and unhinged? I pushed his shoulder with my boot, and his body rolled to his back. I noticed the word ‘rat’ carved into his chest. I hissed out a curse and heard the guys behind me do the same.

“Think they got the information they wanted from him?” Derek stepped up behind me and shook his head at the mutilated flesh.

My phone went off, and I pulled it out, checking the notification and message preview before shoving it back into my pocket.

“I think they did, and we caught them while they were getting ready to clean up their mess.” Crossing my arms, I rubbed the back of my thumb along my bottom lip. I kept impatiently looking at the time on my phone. I needed to get to the apartment soon before it was too late, and I missed her.

I heard the loud bang of a cart and turned to the door, seeing that clean-up had arrived. They were wheeling a large container in with all of their supplies. Marcus pulled out his phone and immediately moved towards us.

“They got the video. We need to get back to the office; they are sending the file over now.”

With a single nod, I followed Marcus and Dean to the exit, Derek not far behind me. We had seen everything we needed to here. Hopefully, the video the tech team pulled will have the rest of our answers.

We pulled up to the office, and Derek, Marcus, and I stepped out while Dean went to park the car. We took the elevators to the fifth floor and headed straight to the briefing room. Once inside, Marcus connected his laptop to the TV screen and pulled up the video that he had been sent from the warehouse. We all sat down, and once Dean had made it into the room, Marcus hit play.

The tech team couldn’t pull any audio from the feed, so we only had the video. I could only imagine how disturbing it would have been to have the audio along with it.

The recording started from when Chyler pulled the hood from Michael’s head and ended shortly after I had knocked her away from his body. There was so much blood, and you could see the frustration in her movements when he fought back with her.

She was aggressive, and for some strange reason, I found myself getting hard from watching her. She was incredible. A vicious woman out for a kill. My vicious woman.

Marcus cursed when we reached the part where she carved the word ‘rat’ into his chest.

“The fuck kind of person does this?” He gestured his hand to the TV, not taking his eyes off it.

“Most likely someone who has no soul or concept of humanity.” Derek signed and hung his head in his hands. “Without the audio, we won’t get anything more out of this video. We know what they did to him; we saw the body. This is just… we don’t need to review this.” He reached across the table and pressed the space bar on Marcus’s laptop to stop the video. We all sat in silence around the table, each of us in our own thoughts of the situation.

“They got the information they were looking for,” I said, breaking the silence between us, and they all turned to face me.