Page 57 of Ataraxia

I attached the strap of my sheath to my right thigh, where I kept my knife, and slipped into my black combat boots. I zipped up my leather jacket and went to the kitchen to grab my phone off the counter.

There was a message from Alexis.

Alexis: Outside. Let’s go.

Me: On my way!

My jacket had an interior pocket, where I tucked away my phone before picking up my keys. I made my way out my apartment door and down to the street, where Alexis had pulled up in a black luxury SUV. One of the perks of this work is that we always get to drive around in expensive vehicles. Madison was already seated in the front passenger seat, so I jumped into the back.

“Is everything ready to go?” I asked as I got myself situated in my seat.

“Yes, next to you is the bag with the sedative and a syringe. I am going to drop Madison off at the warehouse first to prep the site while we go and pick up Michael.” Alexis spoke over her shoulder as she pulled out into the street.

We couldn’t all be in the SUV when we picked Michael up from the airport. It would be a huge red flag to have anyone other than the driver in the car, and there was no way the two of us were going to squeeze into the cargo space.

“Sounds good.” I nodded, pulling my seatbelt across my lap and securing it with a click.

By the time we dropped Madison off, the anticipated storm had rolled into the city. We were in the middle of a severe thunderstorm warning. It was pouring rain with high winds and a lot of lightning. Michael’s flight was delayed because the strikes were less than a mile from the airport.

An hour later than his expected arrival, he was off the plane and on his way to us.

I took the vial of sedative out of the small bag and began prepping the syringe for when he arrived. Once I had the syringe filled with the correct dosage Madison had given me, I crawled over the seats and into the far back of the SUV.

Not long after I had situated myself in the back, Michael approached us, and Alexis confirmed his identity as part of her driver protocol. Roman must have had a preference for hiring younger men because this man didn’t look a day over thirty—and if I remember correctly, Tyler looked like he was in his twenties. Michael was wearing a sharp, dark navy three-piece suit. He opened the door, climbing into the back seat as Alexis got into the driver’s.

“You know where you are going?” He asked her.

“Yes, Sir.” She nodded, glancing at him through the rearview mirror.

As soon as Alexis began pulling out of the pick-up ramp, I leaned over the seat back and stabbed him in the neck, plunging the syringe of sedative into him. He cursed and grabbed onto my wrist, pulling me forward onto the second-row floor. I hit my head on the center console on the way down and immediately went from calm to pissed off.

“Fuck.” I hissed a curse as Michael started shouting at Alexis to stop the SUV and pull over. He pulled on the door handle several times, but we had already set it to child safety lock—a lesson learned from a previous kidnapping attempt. He wasn’t going anywhere. I pulled myself up and straddled his lap, with my hands around his throat, waiting for the sedative to kick in.

“Don’t kill him, Chyler; we need to question him, remember?” Alexis yelled at me from the driver’s seat as she took a hard turn.

“I know; I’m just trying to restrain him until the sedative kicks in.” I gritted out, clenching my jaw.

Instead of trying to hit me, he gripped my wrists and attempted to pull my hands off and away from his neck. The distraction was working, at least; he was more focused on me than getting out of the SUV. From this angle, I could see his facial features. He had moss-green eyes, short blonde hair, and a clean-shaven face. When his eyes started to sag, and his pulse slowed down, I released my hands, letting him fall to the side, asleep.

That sedative took it’s sweet ass time…

I pulled my balaclava down briefly to get better air and dropped my ass into the seat next to him, relieved that I didn’t have to fight him any longer.

“Well, that fucking sucked. Michael here is a fighter.” I chuckled sarcastically as I sat back and fanned my face. Fuck, it was hot in the back seat.

“We’ll see just how much of a fighter he is once we get him inside. Hopefully, you don’t have to torture him too much for the information we need.” Alexis looked at me through the rearview mirror as she pulled up and into the warehouse through the rear garage door.

“Now, where’s the fun in that, Alexis? Tyler was boring. I like it when they play with me.” I shot her a sadistic smile.

“Play with Atlas when this is all over.” Alexis rolled her eyes and got out of the driver’s seat. Oh, I was going to do that too. I readjusted my mask and gloves before Madison opened the back door for me to get out.

“This is way more convenient than the last place we used. Let’s get him out and strapped in the chair before he wakes,” she said as she made her way to his passenger door and opened it. The three of us worked together to pull his body out of the car and drag him to the chair in the middle of the room.

“Any particular reason why we continue to use the same setup for every location we’ve ever used?” I raised a brow in curiosity as I began to zip-tie his wrists to the arms of the chair, and Madison used rope to secure his legs.

“Dramatic effect,” Alexis said with an amused tone as she pulled a black hood over his head and then returned to the SUV; Madison, not far behind her, jumped into the front passenger seat.

“We’ll call you over the earpiece if we need anything additional from him. Otherwise, he’s all yours. Good luck.” Madison winked at me before shutting her door.