Page 3 of Ataraxia

“As much as I’d love more of what you are offering,” I gestured my hand up and down his body. “I do have plans this morning, and you are not part of them.”

“I could be if you invited me.” Was he for real?

“No, absolutely not.” I held up my hand to stop him from coming any further towards me.

Pausing mid-step, he gave me a defeated look, holding his hands up in front of his chest.

“Can I at least get your number before you kick me out? I want to take you out to dinner sometime.” Nope. No. No, thank you.

Maybe I would be interested in his offer at another time and place. Oh, who am I kidding? I have so much going on in my life right now that I don’t have time to waste on someone like him. Also, he was checking out more than just me at the bar; I just so happened to take what I wanted instead of waiting for him to come to me. The man had options last night.

He moved to the foot of the bed, where he picked up his clothes and began getting dressed. I grabbed my black belt bag, stuffed my phone into it, and then strode past him to leave the room.

Part of me felt bad for using him like this, but he’s a good-looking man and would easily have another woman underneath him by tonight; I was pretty sure of that. I don’t think he expected me to be this disinterested in him in the end.

Once he finished pulling the rest of his clothes on, he followed me into the kitchen.

I stopped before the kitchen island counter and leaned on my forearms while waiting for him. The man came up next to me and rested his elbow on the counter next to me, patiently waiting for my answer to his burning question—could he have my phone number?

I looked up at him and blew a breath out of the side of my mouth, biting down on my cheek.

“No to the phone number, but here’s the deal. If I run into you downtown again and this—” I gestured between us, “happens again, then you can have my number. How does that sound?” I slid on my sunglasses and gave him a saccharine smile. I was always a fan of the chase, making them work for it, but I doubt he will even remember me come tomorrow, let alone run into me again. I was being a smart-ass for the fun of it.

“And here I thought I blew your mind last night.” He said with so much confidence that I scoffed at his words. Did he really just say that to puff up his ego? I mean, it was good sex, but it was not mind-blowing in the least. I can’t even remember the last time any man came close to blowing my mind. Yet, another reason why I could care less about him and this whole interaction. He was like a blowfly buzzing around my head, and I wanted to hit him with a swatter.

I pushed off the counter and strode to the front door, turning the handle and pulling it open for him.

“Yeah, you go ahead and tell yourself that—now, if you don’t mind,” I said assertively as I gestured for him to leave.

His lips pressed into a hard line, and he said nothing more, stepping past me and into the hall. I watched his back as he walked down the hall to the elevator bay. He didn’t look back at me once as the doors opened for him, and just as he began to step into the elevator, a woman stepped off, looking him up and down with hungry eyes.

Once the doors closed, I relaxed with a heavy sigh and fell back against the doorframe of my unit.

The woman striding towards me was trying her best to withhold a giggle. I rolled my eyes at her as she approached me. Oh, here we go.

“Chyler Tate, you naughty girl! Who was he, and when will you see him next?” Madison laughed and elbowed me in the side as she stood beside me.

“Well, considering he was a one-night stand, I won’t be seeing him again. Ever.” She was constantly meddling in my business. One of the many reasons I moved out of her townhouse and got my apartment. A few times, I brought men to her place when I was living there, and it was almost as if she expected me to marry each and every one of them.

“Your first fuck in months, and it’s just a one-night stand?” She raised a brow in disbelief as if he would be my Prince Charming, and it was love at first sight. Quite the opposite, actually. I just saw what I wanted and took it. He could be a complete asshole underneath it all, and I would never know, but I also didn’t care.

“Don’t even act like you haven’t done the same once or twice yourself.” I deadpanned.

If I recall correctly, she had two men leave her home a few weeks ago, and I didn’t comment on it. However, if I'm being honest, I was a little jealous. That’s probably another reason I was desperate to get laid last night. Madison didn’t have men over often; she rarely did, and seeing her with two in one night surprised me.

“Ouch, you know. You would think that after a night with a man who looked like that, you’d be in a much better mood. What? Did he not satisfy my girl?” she said with an amused tone.

“He assumed he blew my mind, so I guess we can settle on that,” I shrugged. I was purposefully avoiding answering her question in detail because that is what she was actually asking for—the details of our sex, which was the last thing I wanted to talk about. I wanted to forget that last night ever happened.

“By all means, Madison, you are welcome to chase him down and take him for a ride yourself.” I fluttered my lashes and gave her a sweet smile dripping with sarcasm.

The funny thing is, she would do it too. Like me, she would take anything for herself if she saw something she wanted. We have never fought over a man before, but we have taken turns once or twice over the years. Sharing is caring between sisters, after all.

I dipped back into the apartment, grabbed my denim jacket, shrugged it over my shoulders, and pulled the door closed behind me. Madison threaded her arm through mine with a chuckle, and we walked down the hall to the elevators.

“You know, I might just have to take you up on that offer, Chy. But in all seriousness, you really need to find yourself a man for the long term; you aren’t getting any younger.” Madison released her hold on my arm, and we stood shoulder to shoulder at the back of the elevator as the doors closed.

“Oh please, I’m only twenty-six… I don’t need to be tied down to a man just yet. I’ve got plenty of time to ‘soul search.’ Unlike you, I am completely content with opening my pickle jars on my own.” I flexed my arms and kissed my tiny bicep. My body was toned from my daily Pilates classes, but I wasn’t overly ripped with muscle.