Page 26 of Ataraxia

“Yes, ma’am. How do you want your eggs?” Madison smiled.

“Same as Chy. I’m not fussy.” She yawned and sat on the bar stool next to me, nudging my shoulder with a smile. “Morning, girl.”

“Morning, Lex.” I beamed back.

It’s funny how we can go from working as hired hitmen at night to normal people during the day. I have worked with Madison and Alexis for three years, and I guess after everything, we’ve managed to find the balance. Waking up after a job like nothing has happened, we are just three best friends eating breakfast after a long night out.

Sleepovers have also become more common lately, especially for Alexis, which is why she uses the second bedroom. Four years ago, that bedroom was mine until I realized I needed a little more time to myself and got my own apartment.

“So what are the plans for today after last night’s almost disaster?” I placed my elbow on the counter and rested my chin on my palm. I still can’t believe we managed to get away from whoever that was.

“At this point, we are just waiting for Charlotte to give us further orders. I’m going to start doing some research on this Michael August guy and take the briefcase with the vial to the drop point.” Alexis has been able to get information on the fly, but if she has to do additional research, then getting to him might be just as hard as getting to Roman.

“Oh, how I love the waiting game,” I said with sarcasm, reaching across the counter to steal a piece of bacon that Madison had just placed on a paper towel—she swatted my hand immediately with a spatula.

“Ow!” I pulled my hand back as dramatically as possible and rubbed it like it hurt. I poked my tongue out at her like a child just to cover all the bases and chuckled.

A chime came from my phone, and I turned to look at where it was sitting on the coffee table. Odd. Who would be messaging me? Alexis and Madison were here, and they were the only ones who ever contacted me.

I heard a hum from Madison as I walked to the living room to retrieve my phone.

“What did you do?” Alexis whispered to her. Madison just winked in return.

I picked up my phone and unlocked the screen. There was a new message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, this is Atlas. From last night…

My jaw fell to the floor as I reread the message and responded immediately.

Me: Who gave you this number?

Unknown: Your waitress friend.

I lifted my head from my phone and leveled a death glare at Madison from across the room. She returned a wide grin, her eyes lighting up in satisfaction for what she had done.

“Mads!” I yelled as I stomped into the kitchen and shoved my phone into her face. “What the hell?”

“You weren’t going to give him your number, and we both know he blew your mind last night—literally.” She emphasized the last word, rolling her eyes with a smug attitude.

She wasn’t wrong; he did blow my mind. I was still thinking about his mouth on me, how well he worked it—and that fucking tongue. I bit back a moan at the thought of him feasting on me like I was his last meal.

“I—You can’t—What am I—” I stuttered, throwing my arms up in the air, unable to come to terms with the fact that she just gave Atlas my phone number last night.

“Suck it up, and respond to him. Wear those big girl pants like you did last night.” She elbowed me with a laugh and returned to cooking our breakfast.

I sighed, leaning my hip against the counter, and responded back to him.

“He wants to grab coffee.” I read aloud.

“Where? Not dinner?” Alexis asked, typing away on her phone. She tried to be part of the conversation, but not really. She was always busy on her social media accounts.

Madison pushed a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast towards her.

“Our usual coffee shop across from the sculpture park. And you know I don’t do dinner.”

“Ooo, smart man. When?” She smirked, putting down her phone and stuffing a piece of bacon in her mouth, moaning from the deliciousness of it.

“Tomorrow… at nine.” I bit my cheek, wondering if I really wanted to commit myself to this date. Sure, I was attracted to him, he was fucking gorgeous, and I couldn’t get him off my mind, but a date meant more. A step towards potential relationship territory. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for that.