And then the demon launched his attack.
Vain lunged at me with unnatural speed. Even with the amount of ichor raging through my veins like wildfire, it still didn’t offer me enough agility to escape him. If anything, my weak attempt had done nothing but prove the extent of Vain’s near-boundless power.
He slammed into me so hard that the tattoos on his arms rippled as he pinned me against the wall. A blazing heat flared in Vain’s eyes as he searched mine.
Pressed together, we were a silent storm, a battle of sharp breaths as we shared the same air, inches apart, and I swore I could hear the hammering pulse of blood rushing through both our veins.
Then, in an instant, Vain’s mouth was on mine, attacking with the same fervor and hunger as before when he had gone down on me in the club. Our teeth clashed and our tongues tangled as we fought for dominance. Vain bit my lower lip hard, until I tasted the bitter metallic tang of my blood, and then he swallowed my tongue as if he were trying to suck the ichor straight out of my body.
The simulacrum’s ichor roiled within me like a surging wave on the verge of cresting. It swirled in my core right below my chest, its power continually filling the well inside me. At first, it had been overwhelming. But I hungered for more just as strongly as I craved more of Vain’s touch.
Like I was addicted to them both.
Vain moved one hand to the base of my skull and laced my hair through his fist, which allowed him access to control where he wanted me and to delve further into my mouth, deepening the kiss. He gave my hair a sharp tug as he broke away to explore my neck with teeth and tongue, letting out low panting groans as he did.
I sighed at the feeling of his mouth on my skin and the hard length of his cock through the fabric of our clothes as he pressed his body against mine. His other hand trailed along my hips and over my breasts while he licked at my neck, kissing me feverishly, as if he wouldn’t be satisfied until he had overtaken every inch of me. Every moment of it was blissful anguish, so much so that I ached for him.
Vain tore at my dress, the fabric giving away easily and exposing the delicate undergarments beneath. Those came away too as he clawed them from my body with little effort. Heat flushed my chest. He hoisted me up with my back pressed against the wall, and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
“You are far more tempting than any mortal should be,” he groaned.
Leaning his head down, he pulled my breasts into his mouth, and I gasped as he sucked and swirled his tongue around my nipples, occasionally sinking his teeth into my flesh hard enough to leave red marks behind.
With his hips aligned perfectly with mine, I could feel his cock twitch when I pressed myself against him, seeking any friction he could give me. Vain lifted his head to recapture my mouth, and I ground myself into him again, a heady moan escaping my lips, one which he returned in earnest.
His onyx eyes seemed insatiable as he searched mine.
“Is this what you meant when you said you were going to punish me?” I asked breathlessly against his mouth.
There was that wicked smirk of his again. With a glint in his eyes, he said, “No, mellilla. But I’m sure you’ll be begging me for it very soon.”
Then, in one swift motion, Vain hoisted me up higher, hooking the backs of my knees over his shoulders so his face was pressed against my lower half, and his tongue flicked out over my throbbing clit.
The sound he tore out of me sounded almost like a scream, and I slammed one hand into the wall behind me and latched the other into his hair to keep his mouth locked in place, as he worked his tongue through me. Up and down, he stroked and teased and sucked, again and again until I was crying out for more.
My throat ached, already craving the taste of more ichor. I could see it still pooled in the divots of the slab, nearly overflowing with the black liquid.
My throat bobbed.
My muscles strained against the urge to surge forward and suck up every last drop. Only Vain’s wild hunger as he took from me kept me rooted where I was.
Edging me closer to orgasm with every sweep of his tongue, he built me up and up until I was shaking and the tingles at the base of my spine turned insistent, ready to explode through my body at any moment.
Vain held me on that border between devastating pleasure and torment for too long, only granting me relief when he slipped a finger inside and curled it toward my most sensitive spot, and I was completely gone. My thighs clenched around his face so tightly that I wondered if he was able to breathe as I shattered.
He gave me no reprieve as he continued to suck and lap at me greedily through the overwhelming rush of pleasure. It felt as if he was savoring every shudder he tore from my body. Memorizing the taste of my come. He groaned against my flesh, the sound traveling up my body, vibrating through to my very soul.
When he had pulled the last pulsing tremors from me, Vain lifted me off his shoulders and lowered me to the ground while keeping my back pressed to the wall. He slid one hand back down between my thighs and cupped me there. I rocked lazily against it, still dazed from that fresh wave of pleasure.
His lips found mine again, this time with a slower yet more punishing need. The taste of him and myself mixing together on our tongues made my head swim with an agonizing desire.