“Why else would you be waiting outside my door first thing in the morning?”
He smiled and said, “I have a proposition for you.”
I cocked one eyebrow.
The demon extended a tattooed arm toward me. “Remove your mark from me.”
“That sounds like an order, not a proposition.”
A hint of annoyance twitched at the corners of his mouth and his nostrils flared. “Would you like something in return then?”
“You sound pretty desperate for a demon to resort to making more deals already.”
“I mean it, Ava.” A deep growl rumbled through his chest.
I scoffed. “You really think I’m going to give you a chance to get away?”
“I will repeat myself as many times as I need to until you understand. I gave my word. And I, as an honorable demon, do not back out on my word.”
When I made no motion of conceding, Vain released a soft huff.
“An old friend is holding a gathering across the city. He and I have some…unfinished business to attend to, and I have no intention of bringing you along with me.”
Whether he meant to or not, the way Vain said friend made it clear that they were definitely not friendly.
I pumped my eyebrows and gave my best sugary sweet smile. “Ooh, a party sounds fun. I’m in.”
Vain took a slow, predatory step closer, and I prayed that the wards held firm. “This is me asking nicely. I won’t be so nice if I have to ask again.” The demon’s voice had dropped dangerously low.
“You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”
“It is too dangerous, mellilla.”
His gaze sharpened, and the way the muscles in his jaw tensed were more than enough indication of how much restraint he was forcing himself to maintain. “A demon nest isn’t any place for a mortal, not even a witch.”
“I’m used to handling your kind, remember?”
“Not in this way, you’re not. I assume you’re used to having the upper hand. You’re used to being the one in control. You probably haven’t dealt with more than a few demons at a time. I can assure you that you’d be far, far out of your league there. So, I will be going alone. I will not allow you to get hurt.”
I jutted my chin and said, “Then it’s a good thing you won’t be leaving my side.”
“Ava,” Vain warned through another growl.
“I’m capable of handling myself perfectly well, thank you.”
“Oh, I’m sure you’re more than capable,” the demon said. “Would you like me to show you how capable you are when I stop holding myself back? I’d be happy to demonstrate how truly in over your head you are.”
The familiar cold pang of dread shot through my bones as my instincts tried to kick in, whispering to me that Vain was dangerous—a monster wearing a mortal’s skin—but I tamped them down, unwilling to show him my fear.
“I’m coming. That’s final.”
Vain’s face hardened and muttered a curse in the demon tongue that roughly translated to difficult woman. “There will be rules.”
“You must listen to everything I tell you to do. No questions asked.”