Steel, Bulldog, and other members of the MC came up to him, but Carlos only had eyes for one of them. In a whispered voice, he asked, “I am required by law to report a child abduction to NCIC,”—the National Crime Information Center—“is there a reason why I shouldn’t in Kyle’s case?”

Keys shook his head. “It’s unfortunate but with the heads up, I can block any DNA searches from flagging in the system for his previous case. Do what you need to do to keep this above board and I’ll do what I need to do.”

He took a backpack off of his shoulders. On the hood of the nearest cruiser, he pulled out a laptop.

“What do you need from us?” Steel asked. His voice barely contained the rage Carlos saw in his eyes.

“Block the exits out of Mount Grove. Others start scouring the town. It’s been less than fifteen minutes, but he could be anywhere by now.” Carlos ran a hand through his hair. How the fuck had this happened? How could he let it? He was the fucking sheriff and he couldn’t protect his girlfriend’s kid?

Carlos’s fists clenched. His internal monster that called for the most primal of justices lifted its ugly head. He hadn’t felt this out of control. Ever. Not even when Zoe had told him her story and what her husband had done to her.

A kid? Kyle was four years old. An innocent.

Carlos rounded on Keys as Steel and some of the others climbed back onto their bikes. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that his brother had remained behind. Did Bulldog sense the rage brewing inside him? Was that why he’d stayed?

“I need you to look into the Ruttersons. I don’t have time for warrants and I doubt I could get one against them anyway.”

“Would certainly lead people to connect Kyle’s alias with his birth name,” Keys mused offhandedly. “I was already looking into them. I didn’t want any surprises.” He looked up at Carlos. “I don’t think it’s them. They have had no large money withdrawals or changes in their schedule. I would have seen it coming if it was them.”

Carlos’s hand slammed down on the hood of his cruiser. “Then who the fuck took Zoe’s son?”

Kyle was so small. The few times he’d allowed Carlos to hold him, he’d been so light. The boy was obsessed with dinosaurs.

Keys looked sick as he said, “We have no registered offenders living in town. Doesn’t mean one didn’t come passing through.”

Carlos’s stomach rolled. It was the bitter reality of their world that such monsters existed. It was bad enough when an adult like Davis existed, who had hurt a woman he should have died protecting, but when an adult went after a kid… It was worse. It was so much worse.

A hand landed on his shoulder. “Deep breath, brother.”

Carlos flung off Bulldog’s hand. “Don’t treat me like a child.”

“Wasn’t,” Bulldog said shortly.

“We need more traffic cameras in this town,” Keys said to no one in particular. “I don’t see anything suspicious on the ones we have.”

Danny came out of the store. “Roof’s clear. We did another sweep of the store and nothing.”

“Keys, I need a computer. As soon as you have a vehicle for me, I need to put out a BOLO.” To Danny, he said, “I have an Amber Alert out and need to contact NCIC.”

“I’ll head back to the station,” Danny told him. “Set up a command center and take care of that for you. Bert texted, he’s on his way in too.”

Carlos nodded his appreciation. He turned towards his brother. “Can you take Zoe to your place or Jenna’s? I need to contact Momma too.”

“I’ll take care of it, though I doubt she’ll listen to me.”

At first, Carlos thought he was referring to their mom, but then he realized Bulldog was talking about Zoe. She was up and at the door to the grocery store. She was yelling at Jeff to let her back inside to search again.

Carlos let out a resigned sigh and then walked forward. “Sunshine—” He barely got the word out before she rounded on him.

“Tell them to let me inside!” She had tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot. Her hair was disheveled like she’d been pulling on it. “I need to look for my son! Tell them to let me inside!”

He took a step closer, his arms out as if to hug her. Instead, Zoe raised her fists and pounded them down on his chest. She let out an ear-piercing, heartbreaking wail that shattered his heart into a million pieces.

“Where’s my son!?” she cried out. Continuing to slam her fists against his chest, she demanded, “Where’s my son!”

Carlos could care less about her fists, concerned only for her tears. Despite her fight, Carlos took her into his arms. He caged her against his body. Zoe sagged against him, her cries of agony like a branding iron to his soul.

“Carlos!” Keys shouted.