Just to end Carlos’s blindness, she quickly typed in her new password.

Immediately, another text message showed up.

Keys: Good girl.

Zoe frowned.

Zoe: How did you know I set my password? Can you see me?

She covered the front camera with a finger to see if that would work.


Keys: Kidding. I set an alert to notify me once your password was set. The phone is no longer attached to my programs and solely yours.

Zoe cracked a smile.

Keys: I’m sending a message out to all the brothers and ol’ ladies with your new number.

At the ding across the table, Zoe glanced up to see Jenna checking her phone. She turned it around to show Zoe the message from Keys with Zoe’s new number. Jenna now knew it when Zoe didn’t, ironically.

Zoe’s phone let out a sharp ding too.

Jenna: [picture]

Zoe smiled when she saw the picture of Carlos and her. She saved it to her camera reel.

“Is this the world’s longest password or am I being punished for something?”

Zoe jumped, having forgotten about Carlos’s hand over his eyes. Just for the hell of it, she said, “I’m almost done.” Then she put the phone down on the table, turned on his lap, and kissed him.

On Zoe’s first day at work, she realized just how little work her predecessor did before her. Her desk was not only a disaster, but there were over three dozen sticky notes with random complaints, concerns, and suggestions. It took her over twenty minutes just to find her computer mouse. It was no wonder everyone thought Belinda was utterly useless. What did the woman do all day? File her nails?

By lunch time, Zoe had finally gotten her desk cleared off. Problem was, she now had a conference room full of miscellaneous paperwork, notes, and files to now organize.

“Ready for lunch?” Carlos leaned over the top of her desk. It had a high reception counter with a wooden top.

“You owe me so many orgasms for taking this job,” she said in a low, threatening voice. “I cannot even begin to describe the disaster that this place was.”

Carlos grinned down at her. “Gladly. I was thinking the diner for lunch, but I’ll happily take you into my office and have you instead.”

Zoe’s face blazed, both with arousal and with embarrassment for her unchecked words. They were not the least bit professional. “Who sits at the desk while I’m on break?”

“Generally, no one. If you hit that button on your phone there,” he pointed, “it will forward the dispatch calls to either my cell phone or yours. When you leave for lunch, make sure you take a radio with you, even if I’m with you. At night, before you go, make sure you forward the calls to Bert’s cell.”

She nodded slowly. “I need to make a manual or something. This seems like almost too much for one person to do.”

“I have it in my budget to hire two more deputies. We’ll take a look at it and see if we can hire a part-time receptionist too.”

“Even a volunteer,” Zoe suggested as she grabbed her purse from the bottom drawer where she stashed it. “I’m sure there’s some people in town who would be willing to help out. I can’t imagine how much has been missed under Belinda’s reign.”

“Most everyone has my cell.” Carlos stepped back as Zoe walked around the counter. “Pretty sure the entire town knew not to count on Belinda if she was the one to take down a message.”

“Why did she last so long? From what you told me about Sheriff Longhill, I can’t imagine he handled such disorganization well.”

“He honestly thought her ditziness to be humorous. I never understood it, but I also wasn’t one to question my boss. Well, that boss,” he added, likely hinting at Sheriff Hannigan. “I respected Longhill too much to say anything and just made sure that the townsfolk knew they could call me instead.”

“That’s a lot on you.” The more time she spent with Carlos, the more she realized just how much he took on. He cared so much about his town and the people who lived there. He really was a good, honorable man.