Page 18 of Madness of Two

We stand there for a few moments, her gaze never leaving mine. Part of me wants to tell her everything will be okay, and that whatever cloud is hanging over her can fuck right off. But before I can say anything, a group of kids comes running past us. They’re laughing and joking around, seemingly oblivious to the heaviness in the air between us.

The moment shatters, and she steps around the table. “Do you want to go somewhere?”

I blink, unsure of her meaning. “Sure. Where do you want to go?”

“Outside,” she answers, glancing at Jen. “Do you mind if I take a smoke break?”

Jen shakes her head. “No, go ahead. I’ll be okay.”

Gwen walks away from the booth, and I trail behind. Colton is munching on a fancy artisan cookie from a food vendor when I tap his shoulder. “I’m gonna go take a break. I assume you’ll be fine on your own?”

He steals a glimpse of Gwen, his face a mess of confusion, and shrugs. “Yeah, I’ve got it handled. I got some more pics to take, anyway.”

I roll my eyes and catch up with Gwen, who effortlessly makes her way through the crowd and exits out a side door. Leading me to a small concrete patio near some trees, she sits on the bench and motions for me to do the same. She produces a pack of cigarettes from her pocket and offers me one. I shake my head, and she takes out her lighter.

“Thanks,” she says, lighting up her cigarette. “I needed the company.” She takes a long drag and exhales the smoke.

I study her, watching her as she takes another puff. So she smokes again; that explains the faint smell of tobacco in her apartment earlier.Seems like she’s replaced her nail-picking habit. “If there’s something on your mind, you can tell me. Or if you need to vent …”

She looks at me, contemplating her words. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt to let off a little steam,” she says, taking another drag before pushing the smoke out in a long stream. “First, I woke up this morning and my fucking oven stopped working. Second, this jerk keeps coming into the video store just to be a pain in the ass before closing time. Third …” She pauses, clutching her pack of cigarettes with white knuckles. “Someone keeps … harassing me. And I ended up spending money I don’t have at the pawn shop yesterday on a taser.”

I saw her and her coworker, Nick Campbell, walk into the store during one of my rounds. When he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, I wanted to tear his fucking arm off. I suppress the murderous urge to rip the kid apart and lean closer to her. “Hey, don’t worry. Things are gonna get better. We can figure this out—together. You don’t have to do this alone, you know.”

Gwen nods, her lips pressed into a thin line as she gazes out across the parking lot. “I have a microwave. But I don’t want to spend money on soggy, reheated takeout until it’s fixed. It’s out of my budget, and?—”

“No worries, Mia. I can take care of you.” I grin, chancing at rubbing comforting circles with the pad of my thumb on her upper back. “You can hang out at my apartment, and I’ll cook you food until Nancy sorts her shit out. She’s sweet, but a total scatterbrain, so it might be a while.”

Finally, her frown breaks, and she laughs, the sound like honey to my ears. “You a good cook, Mr. Sullivan?”

I beam. “It’s been said.”

We stay like this for a bit, and she doesn’t resist my touch or reject my offer outright. She smokes the last of her cigarette before grinding it out and throwing it away in the nearby trashcan. She looks like she wants to say something, so I decide to prod. Get inside her head.

“What is it?” I ask.

She sighs. “It’s just … The world is a pretty fucked up place right now. And it’s easy to feel like there’s nothing you can do to change it. But you—you’re proof that one person can make a difference. I think that’s important.”

I smile. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

“I mean it, though.” She puts a hand on my knee. “You’re a good person, Blake. And I’m glad you’re in my life.”

Oh, you have no idea. Not at all, my Little Finch. I rest my hand on hers. “Me too.”

Crimson colors her cheeks before she abruptly stands and stretches. For a moment, it looks like she has something else to say, but ultimately decides against it—for now. “I think I should head back inside. See you tomorrow?”

Her proposition is almost shy, and I can’t help but grin. “If you want, you can come over to my apartment later and I can make you dinner. Maybe we can watch somescary movies?” I wiggle my fingers, emphasizing the words, hoping that it’ll keep her mood light.

She laughs and grins. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll bring the popcorn. See you at seven?”

“Deal,” I say, watching as she walks back to the community center. “See you then!”

A rush surges through my chest as I soak in the warmth of her smile. I’ve been wanting to spend more time with her, so obviously I would not waste the opportunity to seize upon her misfortune—even if I was the one to cause some of it. I can’t believe she told me she’s glad I’m in her life. And that she wants to come over to my apartment and watch scary movies.

Fuck, I can’t wait.

