Page 8 of Madness of Two

I awake in a cold sweat.

My breath comes ragged, my heart pounding. My hands tremble as I take stock of my surroundings, but I see nothing out of the ordinary. Realistically, I know it was just a dream, but it felt so real.

I refuse to let this ruin my entire day, so I get up and make myself a cup of instant coffee. I sit at the kitchen table and stare out the window, taking a sip of my drink as I try to focus on the present. But it’s difficult. My mind keeps wandering back to the nightmare with the faceless figure chasing me.

God, I need to get a grip.

I breathe in, breathe out. Controlled, just like my old therapist taught me. After finishing my sorry excuse for coffee, I rise from the table and glance at the clock. It’s almost time for my shift at Epic Flix Rentals.

Things are going to be okay.I’mgoing to be okay.

As I try to enter the store, some douchebag nearly crashes into me, almost spilling his huge slushy all over my uniform. He walks away without apologizing, and I scowl at the back of his skull. I want to call him a few choice words, but I know it won’t make a difference. So, I take a deep breath, paste on a pleasant veneer, and head inside.

The store is unusually busy for a Sunday. Customers are scattered throughout the aisles, and there are lines forming at the checkout counter. Jen Breck, a soft-spoken girl around my age, works diligently to keep up with the demand. She reminds me of Grace, both in her mannerisms and appearance.

A lump forms in my throat, and I swallow it down. “Hey,” I say, going over to the counter. “Do you need any help?”

Jen looks up at me and smiles. “Sure. That would be great.”

I assist her in ringing up customers and answering questions, as well as helping people find what they are looking for. As we work together, we quickly get into a rhythm. One customer, a preteen boy, is looking for a popular flick to impress his friends. Though he choosesHocus Pocus, his mother is hesitant to let him rent it.

“I don’t know,” she says, tilting her head in thought. “It seems like a pretty scary movie.”

“C’mon, Mom. It’s not that scary.” He crosses his arms, pursing his lips. “It’s just a comedy about witches. None of that satanic crap on the news.”

“I’m not sure I want you watching something like that,” the mother says.

Before the boy can respond, I step in. “It’s a great movie. It’s funny, not scary. Bette Midler is fantastic in this film. Your son and his friends will love it. Matter of fact, I think you’ll get a kick out of it, too.”

The mother stares at me for a moment before smiling. “Okay,” she relents. “I’ll allow him to rent it.”

“Thanks, Mia!” the boy says, catching me off guard for a moment—until I remember that my new name is pinned on the uniform vest.

I suppose I’m not quite used to it yet.

They pay for the movie and leave the store.

“Good save,” Jen says, attending to another customer.

“Thanks.” I shrug. “I guess sales work must be my calling. Lucky me.”

After a while, the rush dies down. Jen and I are about to head to the break room when the door opens. I pause mid-step, a small smile tugging at my lips as Blake approaches the counter. Jen notices my reaction and makes herself scarce at the back of the store.

“Hey,” he greets. “How are you doing this evening?”

“Doing great,” I reply, ignoring the giddiness building in the pit of my stomach. “At least as best I can be as I take part in the cycle of retail hell. How about you?”

He digs into the bag looped around his arm and slides a tape toward me. “I’m here to return this.”

I blink, momentarily entranced by the silver specks in his blue pupils. “Uh, yeah. That’s right.” Before I can ask, he hands me his card and I get to work at the register. “So, did you enjoy it?Halloween, I mean.”

“Yeah, it was pretty good,” he replies as I scan the tape. “I don’t recommend watching it alone at night, though.”

I raise an eyebrow as I finish processing the return. “Why not? Your heart couldn’t take it after all?”

He gazes at me, his eyes a startling, intense snowstorm. “Maybe I need someone to keep my heart anchored.”

My reply dies on my lips as Brian’s voice booms from the break room. “I don’t pay you to talk all night, Mia.”