Page 6 of Madness of Two

Discretely, I meander into a nearby aisle and eavesdrop on their conversation while browsing through the uninteresting comedy movies.

“You think you can handle this job, missy?” Brian asks, his tone condescending.

Gwen’s brows furrow. “Of course I can handle it, Mr. MacDonald. I’m more than qualified.”

“This store can get quite busy, especially on Fridays and Saturdays. We’re the only video rental place in Fallbank.” He folds his arms across his chest. “I need someone who can handle the pressure. Someone who can think on their feet.”

What’s so hard about working at a video store?I think, browsing a few droll titles.This idiot acts like she’s applying for NASA or something.

“I can do that,” she says confidently. “I’m a quick learner, and I’m eager to prove myself.”

Brian remains silent for a moment, staring at Gwen with his arms still crossed. I can tell that she is getting frustrated. Subconsciously, she picks at her nails and inhales a deep breath through her nose.

“Fine. You’re hired. Don’t mess this up,” he says finally.

She nods, a smile spreading across her face. “I won’t.”

“Show me what you can do,” he instructs, gesturing toward Zoey. “Think of this as a sorta trial period to prove your chops. If you can’t handle the job, you’re out.”

Gwen’s face flashes with anger, but she’s quick to bury the emotion. “Fine,” she says, accepting his challenge. She walks behind the counter, her shoulders stiff with determination.

I can’t help but be in awe of her. She’s a fighter, and I’m confident she’ll show her new boss what she’s capable of.

After all, the daughter of a serial killer is not someone to be trifled with.

Zoey provides a brief overview of the store’s operations.Here’s my cue. I wander over to the horror section, feign indecision, and head to the front of the store. As I pass by Brian, I offer a small smile, but he doesn’t reciprocate. Such a pleasant sort.

I approach the counter and paste on my warmest smile. “Excuse me. I’m looking to rent a movie, but I’m not sure what to choose.”

Zoey nudges Gwen with her elbow. “Go ahead,” she murmurs. “Show that jerk what you’re made of.”

“I heard that!” Brian scolds.

“Sorry, boss,” Zoey says, twirling loose strands of hair around her finger.

Gwen turns, recognition lighting up her face. “Oh, hey. Didn’t expect to see you here, Blake.” She thinks for a moment before continuing. “Have an idea of what you’re looking for?”

I’ll make this easy for you. “I’m in the mood for something exciting, scary, and … bloody. So, horror films. Have any recommendations? I’m not too familiar with the genre.”

“I’m a big horror movie fan.The Texas Chain Saw Massacreis a true classic of the genre. It’s brutal, terrifying, and unforgettable.Halloweenis another classic that’s still scary today. It’s simple but effective.” The gears turn in her head a moment before she resumes. “Stanley Kubrick’sThe Shiningis more of a slow-burn than the others, but it’s an incredibly effective horror film.”

I steal a glance at Brian, and I can see that he’s taken aback by my Little Finch’s knowledge of horror movies. She loves them, just like me. Of course, I already knew that, but damn. A woman after my heart.

“We also recently received a shipment of new horror movies, and?—”

“No, no. That’s okay. You’ve already done more than enough.” I smile. “Halloweensounds like my kind of movie.”

“Great choice,” Gwen says. “But it’s not for the faint of heart.”

Her tone is teasing. But I decide to mess with her, test her. “My heart is in no danger of fainting, thank you. But what about you?” I lean closer and lower my voice. “You don’t spook at the slightest provocation, do you?”

She blinks, processing my words before her expression shifts back to a lighter one. “I’m not easily scared.”We’ll see about that. “Anyway, I’ll go get your movie.”

Zoey motions to the shelf behind the counter, and then retreats to the employees-only break room. Gwen searches the shelves before raising her arm and selecting the movie. I can’t help but admire her slightly exposed midriff and how those shorts cling to her hips and ass in just the right way. Fuck, her body really does something to me. Sheruinsme, my obsession.

She returns to the counter and slides a copy ofHalloweentoward me. “Here you go,” she says. “I hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure I will,” I say. “I mean, you recommended it and all. So how could I not?”