“Hello, ladies.”
My heart leaps into my throat as Briar pops up from behind a display of keychains.
“Don’t be weird,” Kyla scolds, waving the box cutter at him. “Announce your presence next time, will you?”
Briar’s box-dyed raven bangs fall into his line of sight; the guy really thinks he’s Robert Smith or something. “What’s the fun in that, babe?” Kyla rolls her eyes as he plucks the box cutter from her hand and encircles her waist. “We still seeing a movie?”
“Of course,” she says, shaking her head at his antics. “Can you wait until later for all … this?”
Briar smirks and pulls her closer. “I’m not a patient man.”
Their public display of affection makes me want to puke. I cross my arms and tap my foot to get their attention. Briar’s gaze snaps to me, his brows pinched. “Sorry to interrupt, but I have to get going. You two have fun with … you know.”
“See you later, Grace!” Kyla says as I spin on my heel and make a hasty exit.
Behind me, Briar laughs. “She’s so weird. I thought she’d never leave.”
I hear Kyla smack him with something. “Speak for yourself, asshole.”
Suddenly, I become incredibly self-conscious. I wrap my arms around myself and begin heading over to Angelo’s. I’m deep in thought—about last night, the intruder in my bedroom, the news this morning. So much so that I stop paying attention to where I’m going.
I collide with a broad chest, which sends me stumbling to the floor.
“Hey, you alright?”
My ankle pulses from the impact. Tears prick at my eyes, but I wipe them away with my sleeve. The voice sounds familiar, but I don’t connect the dots until he speaks again.
“Oh … Fancy meeting you so soon again, Grace.”
I blink and look up to see Luke peering down at me, offering his hand. I accept it, and he guides me upward. “Hi, Luke,” I murmur, holding his hand a bit too long before letting go, feeling my cheeks flush.
“If I had known you were headed this way, I would’ve insisted on giving you a ride,” he says, smiling warmly.
“I didn’t want to be a bother,” I say, shuffling my feet. “I already visited my friend. She and her boyfriend are busy seeing a movie together today.”
His eyes light up. “Why don’t we see a movie then?”
I force myself to look at him and plant my feet firmly on the tiles to keep myself from running away like a coward. “That sounds fun. They’re showing a bunch of horror films today. Friday the 13th … something or other.”
He beamed at the mention of the Friday series—and I know no matter how I feel about scary movies, I would go seeanythingwith him. Call me a sucker with no spine, but what’s a little blood and gore when I get to spend the runtime with someone as hot as Luke?
“I love horror movies,” he admits, nodding in the opposite direction. “Let’s get outta here and go see one. My treat.”
I try not to grimace and fasten on a smile. “Sounds fun. But first, I have to go pick up my check.”
“Mind if I tag along?”
“Nope, not at all.” Exhilaration courses through me as I motion for him to follow. We weave through the growing crowds, passing by Arbor Spins and a few clothing stores, before finally arriving at Angelo’s. “Wait here,” I instruct. “I’ll be just a few minutes.”
Luke nods in understanding, and I enter the store. My coworker Maryanne is bent over a case, her wrinkled hands working at organizing the necklaces inside. When she notices me, she straightens up and greets me with a smile.
“I’m here to pick up my check,” I say, gesturing toward the back room.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” she says as she shuts and secures the case. “I’ll go get it for you.”
“Thank you, Maryanne.”
She ambles toward the employees-only back room. Waiting for Maryanne, I lean against the counter by the register as a few people enter the store. I glance over at Luke, who is still standing at the entrance. He appears mired in his thoughts but throws me a boyish grin once he realizes I’m staring. I’m about to wave at him when an unpleasant chill slithers up my spine.