"F-Rec is so much bigger than just one person," I reply, unperturbed by his statement. "It won't delay your capture."

"In that case, we’d better get going," Jason says firmly.

He makes complex motions in the air with his hands while muttering foreign words under his breath. The fire extinguishes, but something else comes alive. Something invisible.

My wrists snap together, and so do my ankles. The abrupt jerk makes me fall on the floor, hitting my knees hard. Before I can react to the pain, Jason grabs my upper arm and yanks me off the floor.

"Come on," he orders. "I left my van down by the emergency exit."

I manage a small nod and half-jumpingly follow him to the window that overlooks the alley behind the house. As I gaze down below, the bile rises in my throat and acid spills from my stomach. There's a body splayed against a trash bin. The blood is dried in a thick puddle. It's an unnerving sight. I want to be disgusted, but I know it's not the way to react.

The figure is familiar. Tears blur my vision. I can't look away from him. From Fred.

"He was an innocent," I cry. "You bastard!"

"He wouldn't let me in," Jason replies with a shrug. "Do you want to be next?"

I'm helpless. Unable to move. The door is only a few feet away from us, but if I start shouting for help, he'll surely kill me.

I don't understand why he's taking me toward the emergency staircase if he has already killed Fred. Could it be that someone's coming?

"Get a move on," he barks.

"I can't walk like this!" I snap back.

Jason growls and mutters something under his breath. The invisible vines around my ankles are released, and I can move my feet again.

"Don't do anything stupid," he warns. "I won't hesitate to kill you to save myself."

As we go down the spiral staircase, I wonder if I could slow him down somehow. Make a scene, grab his clothes, or try to drag him down the steps. But then I realize that he's too powerful for me. He's not even a human.

The only thing I can do is search for cameras and allow them to capture my face. A good angle will make it easier for Graham to locate me once he finds out I've been taken. And he will.

Jason pushes me down the last set of stairs and into the white van that's parked in the alleyway. It's a rental, and, once again, I wish I could hold onto something and leave some sort of evidence behind, but this van's clean, too.

We don't speak again as he shoves me into the back and slams the door. The lock engages, and I know I have no chance of leaving.

He takes a seat in the front, but before starting the engine, he turns toward me and mutters another binding spell. My ankles snap together again.

The increased pressure around my wrists makes me cry out. Pain shoots through my shoulders as the invisible binds refuse to give even an inch.

For a moment, we stare at each other, me glaring and him impassively watching me suffer.

"Is this how you plan on keeping me?" I force myself to ask.

"I don't have a plan for you yet," he replies. "You should be grateful I'm putting up with you."

"Fuck you," I shoot back. "Your mother must be turning in her grave."

Jason takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he speaks.

"Mention my mother again and I'll cut out your tongue," he threatens. "I'm done playing with you."

I glare at him, a look of utter contempt in my eyes, but he's too busy starting the engine to notice.

Once the van starts moving, I close my eyes, feeling hopeless. He drives for a while and stops in an underground parking garage.

He opens the back door and yanks me out. I fall down hard, the binds making it impossible for me to catch myself.