"Damn right, baby," I say with a smirk. "Damn right."
She starts straightening her clothes, and I move my seat back to its original position.
"You better do something with your shadows to cover the hole in my jeans," Cassie mutters, looking down at the ruined pants. "I don't want my neighbors to see me like that."
"I'll take care of it," I promise with a wink.
Ten minutes later, I'm carefully driving my Nissan into the parking spot in front of her apartment building. I watch as she takes two unsteady steps, and it makes my chest swell with pride. She can barely walk after I'm done with her. I can't fucking wait to do it all over again.
Don't lose control now, my wolf warns gently.
It's so much harder to keep my hands off her now that she has accepted the bond, I reply and climb out of the car after her.
True to my word, my shadows thicken around the exposed area of her pants. I made them dark enough that if anyone takes a closer look, they'll think that Cassie's wearing black jeans. Not that I'd let them look at her anyway.
"What are you doing?" she asks as I lift her into my arms.
"You can barely walk. I'm just speeding up the process," I reply as I carry her to her apartment door.
We don't speak again until we're on her bed and I settle beside her. I pull her into my arms, cuddling her softly. She relaxes in my embrace, nuzzling into me.
Cassie falls asleep soon after, her body going limp in my arms. I take my phone and order lunch. She'll be hungry once she wakes up, and I want her at full strength for the special kind of dessert I have in mind.
We might as well enjoy ourselves while waiting for F-Rec to get a match or for Garren to get in touch with Tiana. Once that happens, we'll be back in action.
"This isn't up for discussion!" I snap at Graham. "I know what Tim did, and I won't stand in the way of justice. He needs to pay for his crimes. But you have to understand that he and I used to be close once. The least I can do is bring him some of his own stuff. I'll stop by his apartment and pack him a bag. I'll be quick."
"You don't owe him anything," Graham growls.
I don't want to have this argument with him now, not when there's still so much we have to go through. We need to be on the same side. I need him to be with me on this.
"I know I don't," I agree. "But I want to do this. I need to do it in order to feel that I'm still a good person."
"You'll always be a good person," Graham mutters. "You don't need to pack his clothes for that."
"Yes, I know that," I say as I run my hand down his arm. He's starting to give in. I can feel it. "I'm doing this for me. Just like I'd do anything for you."
He clenches his jaw but nods. I give him a quick peck on the lips before grabbing my car keys. I don't want this conversation to continue. We both know that the sooner we find Jason, the better it is for all involved.
"I'll meet you back in your office," I tell him, knowing that he'll go straight there to keep an eye on the software. So far, we're waiting for Tiana to make contact. I don't know why, but I get a strange feeling that she'll show up when we least expect her to.
"Be careful," Graham says as he kisses me again before letting me walk away. "Call me if you need me."
"I'll see you in an hour," I promise, knowing that I can't take more than that to gather Tim's stuff. It feels weird returning to his apartment, after everything that's happened, but I doubt that Tim's stuff will make much difference, once he's convicted.
Tim's apartment is located in an inconspicuous brownstone house in Brooklyn's downtown area. The neighborhood is alright, and I'm impressed by how well he can afford it in the thriving business and culture district. I wonder if Jason has paid him for his services.
"Miss Strayed," the elderly doorman greets me. "It's been a long time. How are you?"
"I'm well, Fred, thank you," I smile. "And you?"
"I don't mind this weather, miss," he chuckles. "I prefer fall to any other season."
"Same here," I nod. "Is it okay if I ask you for a favor?"