Page 44 of Make Me Remember

“Well, I was somewhat homesick too. I felt so out of the loop being way out there. I almost fell apart when Kane got shot, knowing I couldn’t get here right away. I missed y’all.”

I gave her a soft smile. “Well, we missed you too. Welcome back.”

I grabbed her hand and led her inside to officially meet Mekayla. I couldn’t remember if they’d met before, but whatever. “Mekayla, this is my cousin Karima. She’s KJ’s sister and my counselor.”

Karima gave me a smile and hugged Mekayla. “I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to meet you too.”

Mekayla’s phone rang, so she excused herself. Karima glanced back at me and said, “She’s so beautiful, but I can tell she has a lot of hurt inside.”

I frowned slightly. “How?”

It was obvious she was hurting from the death of her father, but I knew that wasn’t what Karima was talking about. She smiled up at me. “She watches her daughter like a hawk. I was watching her when we were talking up front. Her shoulders are extremely tense, like she’s on guard in case something happens. Usually, people who are grieving or depressed are more relaxed looking, if that makes sense. The shoulders are more slumped than tense.”

I turned my attention to Mekayla to see her shedding more tears as she talked on the phone. LaTee went to her and lay on her lap, and Uncle Storm sat next to her. She leaned against him again. I’d surely have to tell Uncle Jasper about this. Maybe Uncle Storm was weakening from a category five to a tropical storm. Uncle Jasper said that shit all the time. I smiled slightly while watching them.

“That’s a rare ass sighting,” Karima said. “I knew he was a teddy bear at heart though.”

She walked further into the room where Mekayla sat and introduced herself to LaTee. She had barely been gone a couple of months and was already back. I slowly shook my head. I just wondered if there was more to it than what she was saying.



“He didn’t have life insurance, Mekayla,” Zhori said.

“I need to go outside.”

I stood and walked away from Uncle Storm without a word. LaTee had nearly fallen to the floor since she was on my lap. All I could see was red, and I couldn’t say the shit I wanted to say in front of her or Karima. I knew Uncle Storm would probably egg me on. Jacob was at the front door, welcoming more of his family inside, so I knew he wouldn’t be following me.

When I walked out the back door, I said, “Now start again.”

“When he tried to get insurance a year and a half ago, they wouldn’t insure him. He’d already been diagnosed with cancer. So, he doesn’t have insurance. He didn’t have a wife or any other kids, so it’s up to us. He and I just made things right a couple of weeks ago, and here he is, in my pockets.”

I rolled my eyes. All Zhori ever thought about was money. It was probably because we never had any. My line beeped, and I saw it was Keonshay. “Zhori, I’m a single mother. I don’t have any extra money to pay for a funeral.”

“You can’t ask your boyfriend? I mean, that platinum grill had to cost a grip.”

“Nigga, watch your fucking mouth. Burying Stacy isn’t his responsibility, and honestly, it ain’t ours either. Jacob and I have only been together a couple of weeks or so. I am not about to ask him for his hard-earned money for nothing! One thing I have never been is a fucking gold digger or an opportunist, and I’ll be damned if I’m gon’ look like one.”

I ended the call and called Keonshay back.

“Mekayla, I’m so sorry. Mama just told me. Where are you? Do you need anything?”

“I’m in Nome at Jacob’s house. His family is cooking and trying to keep LaTee and I in good spirits. Your brother fucked that shit up though. Stacy didn’t have life insurance, and Zhori don’t wanna pay for his funeral. I don’t have the money to pay for it.”

I huffed as she said, “I’ll talk to Kace and see if we can help out.”

“No. Zhori has the money. He just doesn’t want to spend it on Stacy’s funeral. He doesn’t even have to have a funeral. Somebody had to sign something for the funeral home, right?”

“Yeah. Mama did. She told me what the hospital did to you. That was messed up. Your father was dying, and they were worried about a kid being in there? Speaking of… I know you were triggered. How are you feeling now?”

I glanced inside through the window and saw LaTee talking to Uncle Storm. “I’m okay. I just hate that I acted an ass in front of Jacob. I could tell he was confused as to what was going on with me. We’re gonna talk later when everyone leaves. Sis, I have to go. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. Please let me know when you get home. We’ll come by.”

“Okay. Bye.”