Aaron had stayed in New York and began dancing again once he’d recovered from Devin’s attack, which had taken longer than he’d expected. He and Cameron were still together, and Alex had invited both of them to move to Germany. Aaron had said they’d think about it, but would certainly be out soon for a visit. Alex was glad. He missed his friend.

Greg, Tony, and Seth shared a house in Frankfurt and had started a private investigation firm. They preferred the energy of the city, and Alex wanted them to have their own lives after being imprisoned for so long. After outing himself at the Funeral Gathering, Alex had formally disbanded his team, though Elders would still offer them jobs on occasion. Sometimes they took them. Sometimes they didn’t. It was nice to have the choice. Erich occasionally joined them, though his injuries prevented him from doing it full time.

Alex walked to the window and pushed the curtain aside. Johann yawned and stretched, and Alex rocked him gently, lulling him back to sleep. He sighed as he studied the tiny face leaning against his chest and thought back over the last few years. In his darkest of days, trapped in that tower, he never would have dared to even dream of standing in the bedroom he’d slept in most of his life, holding his firstborn son in his arms, and awaiting the love of his life to come out so they could go to dinner. Such a simple thing, but the most precious thing in the world to him.

Devin was gone. Anna was safe. And he held the future in his arms.

Anna slid her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his back. “You okay?”

“Mmm.” He turned and slipped his arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. “Couldn’t be better.”

She smiled up at him. “Really?”

“Really. I couldn’t ask for anything more in life. My heart is full.” Holding Johann with one arm, he took Anna’s hand and they walked toward the bedroom door.

“Will you read to me again from that German fairy tale book tonight? I think it’s really helping me learn the language.”

“Of course.” He beamed down at her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She opened the bedroom door and they headed down to the dining room to eat dinner with Mutti and Vati, hand in hand.