“You know she killed her guardian?”
Sebastian nodded. “That was one of the things I brought up to my brothers. The very fact that she was pushed that far was a stunning piece of evidence.”
“She almost raged the night of the Gala.”
“She did? Why?” Sebastian tilted his head. “And how are you still alive?”
Alex shrugged, trying not to jostle Anna too much. “I saw what was happening and got control of the situation. I think she was angry at Devin, though, not me.”
“It doesn’t matter who she is angry with. She will kill anyone around her.” Sebastian studied him carefully. “You two have a very powerful bond, Alex, for you to be able to control her like that.” He smiled. “That is good. What we are doing will strengthen that bond and enhance your ability to confront Devin when it is time.”
“I didn’t tell her about her rage. I didn’t know if—Sebastian?”
Sebastian didn’t seem to be paying attention, instead, he was staring at Anna.
“You can control her. That—” He paused. “That would be good for the others to see when you confront Devin. The very fact that you can control her supports your claim to her as more legitimate.”
“You want me to take her and induce a rage at a funeral gathering?”
“I think simply seeing Devin will be sufficient for her to do it to herself.”
“She’s not been given permission to go. I was going to speak to Vati about it, but we ended up fighting...” Why bother asking if she wouldn’t want to go?
“I think she should be there. She has a right to see the end.”
“That’s dangerous. She could kill everyone. Devin could get ahold of her.”
“Devin trying anything with her would certainly induce a rage. And if she does, you best make sure your relationship with her is solid. And that you... partake... of us regularly.”
Alex shook his head. “I can’t make her go through this again.”
“It won’t be like this next time. I wasn’t prepared. I know now what to expect. I can keep control of the situation.” Sebastian grinned. “She had a fantastic orgasm, and if you make the next part pleasant, she will be more willing.”
“How do I do that?”
“You don’t know how to pleasure your wife with your mouth?”
“I—Of course I do, but is there more?”
“Stop when you see her fading. It will show her you care about her. She will want you to take it all, but you don’t have to. Show her you’re different from Devin. Once you’re done, I will revive her and you can make love to her.” He grinned. “Or we both can.”
Alex frowned.
“You might be surprised what you’re in the mood for.”
“If you and I start having sex on a regular basis, my men might get jealous. We were each other’s only lovers for the last few years.”
Sebastian chuckled. “Get her onto the bed. She should awaken soon.”
Chapter 170
Anna moaned at the feel of a mouth on her breast. Her body felt extra sensitive; she wanted more, more touch, more sexual touch. The tongue lapped at the nipple and she shuddered and opened her eyes.
Alex’s face was in front of her and she smiled. “Alex...”
He kissed her gently. “Mein Schatzi...” He stretched out on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself up so she could get him inside her, but he shook his head. “Not yet, Schatzi.” He kissed her again. “Will you give yourself to me?” His eyes were so full of love it brought tears to her eyes.