
“For interfering and not letting them get married.”

Wilhelm chuckled softly. “Yes, I suppose you could.”

“If they had gotten married... I would have lost her, right?”

His father sighed. “Yes. Although I could have forced a divorce. Or just declared the marriage annulled. I’m glad it didn’t come to that.”

Alex took a long sip of his brandy. Me too.

Anna gave Kurt a sad smile as they sat on the couch. “I’m sorry you’re hurting Kurt. It’s the last thing in the world I want for you.”

Kurt grimaced. “I love my brother, but sometimes I wish he had not returned.”

She understood. Although she belonged with Alex, she couldn’t help but miss Kurt. Kurt, Hugo, Peter... all men that she had spent so much time with. Men she had fallen in love with while Alex was gone. Was it wrong for her heart to ache for them?

Suddenly, Kurt grinned and his eyes glinted with that old mischief. “You know, Alex and I used to share women...”

Anna giggled. “I don’t think he’d be keen on sharing me anymore, though we did talk about it before he... disappeared.” She took his hand. “You’ll make a wonderful husband for a good German wife.”

He grimaced. “I think I have slept with all the women in Frankfurt.”

Anna laughed. “So you can’t marry them?”

“None were interesting enough to call again.” He shrugged. “Guess I will have to look around here.”

Anna rolled her eyes but was glad to see the old Kurt emerging.

Kurt leaned forward and kissed her cheek. “If Alex ever hurts you, let me know. I can almost keep up with him in a fight now.”

Anna laughed and looked up to see Alex frowning at them. She sobered immediately. Kurt saw her looking and turned around.

“Do not worry, big brother. I will not try to steal her away.”

“Gut.” Alex sat down heavily on the couch with a drink in his hand. He gave her a pointed look, and she quickly moved to sit next to him.

He pulled her close and a tremor of fear shook her body. Was he jealous? Would he lash out at her? Would he lose his temper with her, as he’d done the night she discovered he was still alive? Verbal barbs from him were almost as painful as Devin’s cat-o’-nine-tails.

Later, as Anna was getting ready for bed, Alex walked into the closet, an apologetic expression on his face. She clutched her top to her chest, covering her breasts, more out of habit than anything else.

“I’m sorry I was acting jealous,” he said softly. “I scared you, didn’t I?”

She nodded.

“I don’t recall ever being jealous of my brother before. I’ve always had confidence, never doubting my place in the world. But after being gone for so long...” He shook his head. “I’m having trouble figuring out where I fit in. Everyone’s moved on, which they should have. But it leaves me a little lost.”

Anna’s heart went out to him. Confidence had always been such a part of him, and to hear his struggle broke her heart. She let her top fall to the floor and stepped closer, taking his hand. “I know exactly where you fit.” She gently pulled at his hand and led him out of the closet and to their bed.

Chapter 158

Thursday evening, Alex smiled politely at the blonde and redhead walking past him, Greg, Tony, and Seth. Their eyes traveled over each man, seductive smiles on their faces. They gave knowing looks and then walked slowly away, swinging their hips seductively.

Tonight was the Gala for the City Ballet, and everyone who was anyone was in attendance. He was doing a lot of polite smiling. He’d forgotten how vulture-like women could be in these types of social situations.

Intermission had arrived at last and Alex was eager for it to be over so he could see Anna dance. Hugo’s new ballet was the entire second half of the program.

“You know, you can pick up women,” Alex said to his men with a chuckle. “As long as one of you is available, I don’t care.”