“I can buy my own lunch!” Now that she was in the company again, she would be getting a regular paycheck. Not a very large one, but enough to keep herself fed. That’s all she needed to do. Eat, dance, and keep Devin happy. Anything else was irrelevant or would get in the way of her purpose. My purpose in life...
“Anna, let me?—”
Anna glared at him and crossed her arms until he walked away. She ordered her lunch and then joined him at a table near the window. “What do you want?”
“I’m glad you’re eating.”
“I have to eat. I have to take care of myself and dance well. Other than that, I don’t have to do anything.”
Aaron raised his eyebrows. “Is that what Devin told you?”
“Pleasing him is my purpose in life. Anything else just gets in the way. Especially people.”
Sadness filled his eyes. “I miss the old Anna.”
She shrugged and took a sip of her ice tea. “The old Anna was stupid and naïve and... dumb.” The old Anna didn’t know any better than to make friends and fall in love.
The old Anna had fallen in love with a monster.
As time passed, her hatred for Alex had grown. She hated him for lying to her. For making her believe that life could be worth living. If he hadn’t interfered with that ritual, none of this would have happened. She would have been blissfully ignorant of so many things in life.
“I don’t think she was stupid. God, Anna, I’d never seen a happier woman than when you and Alex were together. You glowed.”
“I was pregnant. Pregnant women do that. And... well, Alex wasn’t who he said he was.”
Aaron frowned, his brows drawing together. “I thought you knew about what he did.”
“You knew? How could you still be friends with him?”
“I found out after he died, but I don’t think any less of him. It sure explains all his mystery trips.”
“Yeah, it’s not exactly something you advertise,” she muttered.
“I imagine it would be dangerous if it was general knowledge.”
Anna looked up at him, confused. “Why would it be dangerous?” Brothers—Elder-Sons—could do whatever they wanted without worrying about repercussions.
Aaron shook his head. “Well, I don’t know... like you said, it’s not something you want to advertise. But, I mean, considering all that The Brotherhood does, I don’t see why it’s a big deal. Aside from the whole killing thing, it’s actually kinda cool.”
“He killed them?” The little girls hadn’t looked like they had died, but maybe they had later.
“That was his job, Anna. Or part of it, anyway. He wouldn’t be a very good Assassin if he didn’t.”
His job? Assassin? “What are you talking about?”
“You’re upset because of his—” He lowered his voice. “The reason for his black diamonds, right?”
Anna shook her head. “No. I knew about that before he asked me to marry him. I’m upset because I didn’t know he had a penchant for hurting little girls. He lied and pretended that he?—”
“Anna, what on earth gave you that idea about him?” Aaron’s eyes were wide. “He would never do anything like that. Ever.”
“Yes, he would.” Angry tears filled her eyes. “I saw it.”
“You saw him hurting someone?”
She nodded and stabbed at her salad.
“Anna, he’s been gone for over two years?—”