Wilhelm’s heart stopped when his eyes locked on Anna’s. Her face filled with such desperate longing, but she didn’t come to him. She just stood there, biting her lip and clenching her hands into fists, her expression a mix of fear and sadness.

“Anna...” Kurt took a step forward, but Wilhelm grabbed hold of his shoulder.

“We can’t.” He watched Anna until a young man stepped between them and grabbed her chin. Wilhelm could tell by the nasty smirk on the man-child’s face that he was Devin’s son.

Seeing Devin’s son handle her so roughly made Wilhelm’s hands curl into fists. He wasn’t a violent man, but it took every ounce of discipline he had to resist the urge to sprint across the massive lobby and pound the younger man into the floor. The look on the young man’s face was enough to make Wilhelm worry for Anna’s safety.

Wilhelm caught Devin’s eye. The man’s black eyes narrowed momentarily. Then he smiled at Wilhelm, spoke to his son, and strolled away toward the elevators. His son put his arm around Anna’s waist and led her away. The look in her eyes when she looked back over her shoulder at Wilhelm broke his heart. She was terrified.

Wilhelm sat heavily in the chair behind him and put his head in his hands.

“Vati, we can’t just let him?—‍”

“Kurt, there is nothing I can do.” Wilhelm stared at the floor between his fingers.

Edwin sat next to him. “You think she is in danger?”

Wilhelm sighed and sat up. “What are your thoughts?”

“She’s grown into a beautiful young woman.” Edwin pursed his lips in thought. “But so sad. There is little life in her.” He motioned to the corner of the lobby where two women sat.

The women were as different as night and day, though both were fiercely beautiful and shared an ethereal quality about them. One was tall and slender, with chocolate brown skin and numerous black braids covered in multicolored beads that stopped in the middle of her back. Her black eyes sparkled as she laughed at something the other woman said. The other was more voluptuous and a few inches shorter, with long, golden-blonde hair and sky-blue eyes. They sat easily together, talking and laughing, and flirting occasionally with the Elders next to them. Other men, not affiliated with The Brotherhood, who walked by them stared, and a few tripped over their own feet. They both wore the same necklace; three concentric diamond circles of the Elder-Mistress. Raissa, Mistress of Brazil and Madison, Mistress of Australia.

They were so different from Anna. The only time Wilhelm had seen Anna so confident and Mistress-like was when she was married to Alex. It was obvious that Devin had trampled on Anna’s spirit and done severe damage.

“What do you think I should do?” Wilhelm didn’t want to cross Devin. That would be dangerous, both for him and for Anna. At this point, he would be content simply to be able to speak to her again. Maybe Devin wouldn’t be threatened if he approached it like that. Little steps.

“I will talk with some people. You know your countrymen are on your side. She was given to you by her father. That is a more valid claim than Devin stealing her.” Edwin smiled. “Be the upstanding man you always are, and we will speak again at dinner tonight.”

Wilhelm looked at his friend, his heart lifting. “Thank you, Edwin.”

“I know you and Kurt have been miserable since all that happened. Perhaps this is the opportunity you’ve been looking for.” Edwin stood. “I’m sure many of the others will be on your side.” He bowed his head and then walked away.

Wilhelm leaned back in his chair and looked at Kurt. “Maybe this is our chance after all.”

Kurt nodded. “I hope so.”

Chapter 49

Anna slowly dressed for dinner. Moving fast hurt too much. She gingerly styled her hair in an up-do and put on the dress Devin had brought for her to wear: a long white chiffon dress with a crisscross back and a very low V-neckline that showed off the inner swell of her breasts. When she walked, her right thigh was exposed. Bruises from the afternoon showed on her arms and lower back. She bit her lip and tiptoed out to the living room where Devin sat with his tablet on his lap.

He looked up as she walked in. “Why are you frowning?”

“I—There are bruises that show with this dress.” She pointed to her arms and turned so he could see her back.

Devin stood suddenly and Anna backed away in fear, nearly tripping on the length of the dress. It was meant to be worn with very high heels.

He grabbed her arm and spun her around to examine her back. His hands slid over the bruises and Anna flinched. His hand continued up her back and pushed her loose curls aside and grabbed her neck. “Maybe you need to wear your hair down.” He yanked on her hair, making her yelp. “A simple fix, don’t you think?” His other hand trailed up her side and inside the neckline to twist her nipple. “If anyone asks, you’ll tell them you like it rough.” He bit the back of her neck. “Don’t you?”

“Y-yes, Devin.”

He pushed her forward by her head. “Go fix your hair. We need to go in a few minutes.”

Anna hurried to the bathroom to pull her hair down and brush it until it shined.


She grabbed her shoes and ran out to the living room.